What a woman! Kalt can only be described as highly courageous. Better still, she challenges the whole of Europe on its own ground, namely in the domain of technology. Kalt is a TV hacker. She manages to scramble the images sent by the television stations of the West, slipping in a little dromedary called « Bedwin Hacker » and a few heart-felt messages to remind that people in the South exist. « We are not mirages »! What a wonderful role reversal! Kalt is Tunisian, the South scrambles the North to remind Northerners that it exists. This naturally causes a stink in high places and the French counter intelligence services are called in. A woman-hunt begins, with the help of a French journalist of North African descent who is beguiled by Kalt’s charms. This character torn between being faithful to his lover Julia, who works for the counter intelligence services that manipulate him, and his fascination for Kalt when he visits his parents’ home country, unquestionably makes the scenario a little too forceful. Who should he betray? The two women finally end up battling it out on their computers For Arab women, Kalt is a positive, prestigious, and perfectly competent female character who is free, determined and defies all conditioning. Nadia El Fani subverts the spy film genre to reverse North-South relationships. And what if in the end the people of the South were to win the right to free movement in the world themselves We can well dream, but isn’t that precisely the role of film? « Bedwin Hacker’s » utopia is pleasant, unpretentious, well paced, playful, exuberant, and, with women like Kalt around, not as far-fetched as all that!
2002, 103 min, 35 mm, colour, prod. Z’Yeux Noirs Movies (Tunisia), staring Sonia Hamza, Tomer Sisley, Muriel Solvay, Xavier Desplas.///Article N° : 5623