Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 2012
Harraga Blues – حرّاقة بلوز
Pays concerné : Algérie
Support : DCP
Durée : 116 minutes
Genre : drame
Type : fiction
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C’est l’histoire de deux amis, Zine et Rayane, qui caressent le rêve de gagner la rive nord de la méditerranée en quête d’un nouvel Eldorado. Pour des raisons financières, ils ne partent pas ensemble, et c’est Zine, qui le premier, tente la traversée vers l’Espagne.
Rayane lui préfère partir à la recherche de l’argent nécessaire à son voyage. Zine dont l’entreprise échoue revient et tente de convaincre son ami de ne pas mener l’aventure.
Réalisateur : Moussa Haddad
Algérie, 2012, Long métrage, Fiction.
avec Karim Hamzaoui, Zakaria Ramdane,…
Produit par Moussa Haddad Prod
Coproduit par l’Agence Algérienne pour le Rayonnement Culturel (AARC)
Avant premiére
14 juin 2013, à 19:00 (UTC+01)
Salle Ibn Zeydoun (Riadh El Feth), à Alger, Algérie
2012 | CC, Tunis
* Sélection officielle Perspectives
2012 | 6ème Festival d’Abu Dhabi
* Première Mondiale
Rayane lui préfère partir à la recherche de l’argent nécessaire à son voyage. Zine dont l’entreprise échoue revient et tente de convaincre son ami de ne pas mener l’aventure.
Réalisateur : Moussa Haddad
Algérie, 2012, Long métrage, Fiction.
avec Karim Hamzaoui, Zakaria Ramdane,…
Produit par Moussa Haddad Prod
Coproduit par l’Agence Algérienne pour le Rayonnement Culturel (AARC)
Avant premiére
14 juin 2013, à 19:00 (UTC+01)
Salle Ibn Zeydoun (Riadh El Feth), à Alger, Algérie
2012 | CC, Tunis
* Sélection officielle Perspectives
2012 | 6ème Festival d’Abu Dhabi
* Première Mondiale
In Harraga Blues, veteran Algerian director Moussa Haddad (see also Inspector Tahar’s Holiday) ventures into a different genre; his latest film is a raw and timely examination of his young countrymen who long for a new life across the sea.
Harraga literally means ‘those who burn’ in Arabic. It is a term commonly used in Algeria to refer to the thousands of young, desperate men who seek passage to the developed world each year via illegal immigration. In Harraga Blues, Zine and Rayanne plan to flee to a dreamland, a fantasy haven on the north shore of the Mediterranean. The crossing is commonly made in fishing boats and other small craft; hundreds of harragas die each year. Zine embarks for Spain with a group of others, while Rayyane decides to stay back to raise more money for the crossing – which involves tricking his uncle into lending him money under the pretence of running a local business. In the process of struggling to leave his country, Rayanne learns more about it than he ever did, affecting his mind and soul in ways he has never experienced. Meanwhile Zine becomes lost at sea, eventually rescued by the Algerian coast guard and brought back home. Overwhelmed by the hardship of his voyage he tries in vain to convince Rayanne not to go into exile. But, like so many other working poor around the world, Rayanne refuses to weigh the danger against the prospect of a better world.
– Tamara Malhas (Abu Dhabi Film Festival 2012)
Algeria | Arabic/English | 2012 | 116 min. | Colour | DCP
Director: Moussa Haddad
Producer: Amina Bédjaoui
Screenwriter: Amina Bédjaoui Haddad, Moussa Haddad
Cinematographer: Bachir Sellami
Editor: Mahfoud Boudjema
Music: Lotfi Attar
Production Company: Moussa Haddad Production
Cast: Karim Hamzaoui, Zakaria Ramdane
صديقان يافعان يحلمان ب »الحرقة » أي الذهاب إلى أوروبا هروبا من الانغلاق والآفاق الموصدة في بلادهم وبحثا عن الجنّة الموعودة. اعتقدا في هذا الحلم اعتقادا راسخا وسيمضيان إليه، فلا شيء سيقف في طريقهما. ولكن بين الحلم وتحقيقه عقبات ومخاطر لا تحصى
الجزائر 2012
بالألوان: روائيّ بالألوان 60
الإخراج : موسى حدّاد
السيناريو : أمينة بجاوي حدّاد- موسى حدّاد.
التصوير : بشير السلاّمي
الصوت : حامد بوزيان
الموسيقى : لطفي عطّار
التركيب : محفوظ بوجمعة
التمثيل : كريم حمزاوي-زكريّاء رمضان-موني بوعلام
إنتاج : الوكالة الجزائريّة للإشعاع الثقافيّ – موسى حدّاد للإنتاج
Harraga literally means ‘those who burn’ in Arabic. It is a term commonly used in Algeria to refer to the thousands of young, desperate men who seek passage to the developed world each year via illegal immigration. In Harraga Blues, Zine and Rayanne plan to flee to a dreamland, a fantasy haven on the north shore of the Mediterranean. The crossing is commonly made in fishing boats and other small craft; hundreds of harragas die each year. Zine embarks for Spain with a group of others, while Rayyane decides to stay back to raise more money for the crossing – which involves tricking his uncle into lending him money under the pretence of running a local business. In the process of struggling to leave his country, Rayanne learns more about it than he ever did, affecting his mind and soul in ways he has never experienced. Meanwhile Zine becomes lost at sea, eventually rescued by the Algerian coast guard and brought back home. Overwhelmed by the hardship of his voyage he tries in vain to convince Rayanne not to go into exile. But, like so many other working poor around the world, Rayanne refuses to weigh the danger against the prospect of a better world.
– Tamara Malhas (Abu Dhabi Film Festival 2012)
Algeria | Arabic/English | 2012 | 116 min. | Colour | DCP
Director: Moussa Haddad
Producer: Amina Bédjaoui
Screenwriter: Amina Bédjaoui Haddad, Moussa Haddad
Cinematographer: Bachir Sellami
Editor: Mahfoud Boudjema
Music: Lotfi Attar
Production Company: Moussa Haddad Production
Cast: Karim Hamzaoui, Zakaria Ramdane
صديقان يافعان يحلمان ب »الحرقة » أي الذهاب إلى أوروبا هروبا من الانغلاق والآفاق الموصدة في بلادهم وبحثا عن الجنّة الموعودة. اعتقدا في هذا الحلم اعتقادا راسخا وسيمضيان إليه، فلا شيء سيقف في طريقهما. ولكن بين الحلم وتحقيقه عقبات ومخاطر لا تحصى
الجزائر 2012
بالألوان: روائيّ بالألوان 60
الإخراج : موسى حدّاد
السيناريو : أمينة بجاوي حدّاد- موسى حدّاد.
التصوير : بشير السلاّمي
الصوت : حامد بوزيان
الموسيقى : لطفي عطّار
التركيب : محفوظ بوجمعة
التمثيل : كريم حمزاوي-زكريّاء رمضان-موني بوعلام
إنتاج : الوكالة الجزائريّة للإشعاع الثقافيّ – موسى حدّاد للإنتاج
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