Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 2014
Manos sucias

Date de sortie en France : 03/06/2015
Pays concerné : Colombie
Durée : 84 minutes
Genre : drame
Type : fiction
Site web :
Un long métrage de fiction tourné sur la Côte Pacifique de Colombie : il a récolté le Spike Lee Fellowship Award et le Film Independent Producing Fellowship.
Un pêcheur désespéré et une jeune naïf embarquent (au port de Buenaventura, la ville la plus dangereuse de Colombie) pour un haletant voyage en trafiquant de la drogue sur la Côte Pacifique de Colombie. Leur bateau traîne une torpille remplie de cocaïne,
cachée entre les vagues, d’une valeur de plusieurs millions de dollars. Au fur et à mesure de leur quête périlleuse, la tension monte, dans une région minée par la guerre civile.
Un film de Josef WLADYKA
USA/Colombie, 2014, Fiction, 1h24mn, VOSTF
avec Cristian James Abvincula, Jarlin Javier Martinez, Hadder Blandon…
Un pêcheur désespéré et une jeune naïf embarquent (au port de Buenaventura, la ville la plus dangereuse de Colombie) pour un haletant voyage en trafiquant de la drogue sur la Côte Pacifique de Colombie. Leur bateau traîne une torpille remplie de cocaïne,
cachée entre les vagues, d’une valeur de plusieurs millions de dollars. Au fur et à mesure de leur quête périlleuse, la tension monte, dans une région minée par la guerre civile.
Un film de Josef WLADYKA
USA/Colombie, 2014, Fiction, 1h24mn, VOSTF
avec Cristian James Abvincula, Jarlin Javier Martinez, Hadder Blandon…
A narrative film set on the Pacific Coast of Colombia: winner of Spike Lee Fellowship Award and Film Independent Producing Fellowship
A desperate fisherman and a naive kid embark on a dangerous journey trafficking drugs up the Pacific coast of Colombia. Hidden beneath the waves, they tow a narco torpedo filled with millions of dollars worth of cocaine. Together they must brave the war-torn region while navigating the growing tension between them.
A film by Josef WLADYKA
USA/Colombia 2014 1h24mn VOSTF
starring Cristian James Abvincula, Jarlin Javier Martinez, Hadder Blandon…
Writers: Alan Blanco & Josef Wladyka
Producers: Márcia Nunes & Elena Greenlee
Co-Producer: Mirlanda Torres Zapata
In February 2010, I set out on a journey along the Pacific Coast to two major port cities, Buenaventura and Tumaco, accompanied by a colleague and a close friend native to Colombia. Together, we collected stories and narratives from the Afro-Colombians who make up the close-knit fishing communities scattered throughout the coast. It’s no secret that the drug trade continues to bear a staggering effect over the people of this region, and amidst the personal tales came recounts of the daily confrontations with violence and terror from right-wing paramilitaries, leftist guerillas, and drug traffickers. Though the dull pulse of this stark reality remains steady, what endures and reflects through the darkness is the humanity and culture that breathes deeply through the people of this area.
Year: 2014
Length: 82 minutes
Language: Spanish
Country: USA, Colombia
Director: Josef Wladyka
Screenwriter: Alan Blanco & Josef Wladyka
Producer: Elena Greenlee, Márcia Nunes
Editor: Kristan Sprague
Cinematographer: Alan Blanco
Executive Producer: Spike Lee, Mary Regency Boies, Marisa Polvino, Kate Cohen
Co-Producer: Mirlanda Torres Zapata, Carolina Caicedo
Cast: Cristian Advincula, Jarlin Martinez, Manuel David Riascos, Hadder Blandon
Interests: Drama, Thriller, NY Director(s), First Time Filmmaker
In February of 2010, I set out on a journey to two major port cities on the southern Pacific coast of Colombia accompanied by an NYU colleague and a close friend native to the region. We were granted special access to Malaga Naval base, where we photographed and explored narco submarines and torpedoes confiscated by the Colombian Navy. What struck me most were the realities of those ensnared by this world. Over the next two years, I returned to the homes of these individuals and listened to their tales and deeply personal accounts of how their lives remain entrenched in the drug trade.
Displaced Community – Narco Submarine – Sabaletas Displaced Community – Narco Submarine – Sabaletas
A region known for political unrest and organized crime, it’s no secret that the drug trade continues to have a staggering effect over its people. We documented numerous accounts of daily confrontations with paramilitaries, guerrillas, and criminal drug traffickers. I asked a man from Tumaco if he could see an end to the turmoil in Colombia and he responded, « Yes…but only in my dreams. »
Team Manos location scouting in Buenaventura Team Manos location scouting in Buenaventura
Manos Sucias is not another movie that glamorizes cocaine and the drug trade, rather it’s a film that unveils the realities of exploitation of the children, impoverished fishermen, and families who are forced to be a part of this world. My writing partner, Alan Blanco, and I wrote Manos Sucias to captivate viewers through action and suspense, while giving them a glimpse into the oft-neglected troubles that plague the people of this region. I arrived in Colombia with a passion for discovering the local stories; I left with an idea for a film that will speak to audiences across the globe.
Print Source
Márcia Nunes
Tenacious Productions
New York, 10011
Phone: 917 903 0642
[email protected]
US Sales Contact
Mark Ankner
Beverly Hills, 90210
Phone: 310 246 3161
[email protected]
International Sales Contact
Márcia Nunes
Tenacious Productions
New York, 10011
Phone: 917 903 0642
[email protected]
Press Contact
Lauren Asher
Sunshine Sachs & Associates
West Hollywood, 90069
Phone: 323-822-9300
[email protected]
2014 | Tribeca Film Festival, New York, USA | 16 > 27 April 2014
* Selection
* Premiere: North American
* Screening: 6:45 PM – THU 4/17 – Bow Tie Cinemas Chelsea 8
* Screening: 9:45 PM – FRI 4/18 – Bow Tie Cinemas Chelsea 8
* Screening: 10:30 PM – MON 4/21- Bow Tie Cinemas Chelsea 9
* Screening: 11:30 AM – SUN 4/27 – Bow Tie Cinemas Chelsea 4
* Screening: 5:30 PM – SUN 4/27 – Bow Tie Cinemas Chelsea 4
Dos pescadores son forzados a arrastrar un narco-torpedo lleno de cocaína por la costa de Pacifico de Colombia hacia Panama, con un Mafiosi.
Una pelicula de Josef WLADYKA
USA/Colombia, 2014, 1h24mn VOSTF
Elenco: Cristian James Abvincula, Jarlin Javier Martinez, Hadder Blandon…
Director: Josef Kubota Wladyka
Guión: Alan Blanco & Josef Wladyka
Producción: Elena Greenlee & Márcia Nunes
Co-Producción: Mirlanda Torres Zapata
Idioma Original: Español
Duración: 1.24
País: Colombia
En febrero de 2010, me embarqué en un viaje a lo largo de la costa del Pacífico a dos ciudades portuarias, Buenaventura y Tumaco, acompañado por un colega y una amiga cercana nativa de Colombia. Juntos, hemos recopilado historias y narraciones de pescadores afro-colombianos que forman las comunidades aun mas unidas, repartidos por toda la costa. No es ningún secreto que el narcotráfico sigue dando un efecto asombroso sobre el pueblo en esta región, y en medio de los cuentos personales escuchamos historias de enfrentamientos diarios con la violencia y el terror de los paramilitares de derecha, guerrillas izquierdistas y narcotraficantes. Aunque el pulso sordo de esta dura realidad se mantiene constante, lo que perdura y que refleja a través de la oscuridad, es la humanidad y la cultura que se respira profundamente por la gente de esta zona.
A desperate fisherman and a naive kid embark on a dangerous journey trafficking drugs up the Pacific coast of Colombia. Hidden beneath the waves, they tow a narco torpedo filled with millions of dollars worth of cocaine. Together they must brave the war-torn region while navigating the growing tension between them.
A film by Josef WLADYKA
USA/Colombia 2014 1h24mn VOSTF
starring Cristian James Abvincula, Jarlin Javier Martinez, Hadder Blandon…
Writers: Alan Blanco & Josef Wladyka
Producers: Márcia Nunes & Elena Greenlee
Co-Producer: Mirlanda Torres Zapata
In February 2010, I set out on a journey along the Pacific Coast to two major port cities, Buenaventura and Tumaco, accompanied by a colleague and a close friend native to Colombia. Together, we collected stories and narratives from the Afro-Colombians who make up the close-knit fishing communities scattered throughout the coast. It’s no secret that the drug trade continues to bear a staggering effect over the people of this region, and amidst the personal tales came recounts of the daily confrontations with violence and terror from right-wing paramilitaries, leftist guerillas, and drug traffickers. Though the dull pulse of this stark reality remains steady, what endures and reflects through the darkness is the humanity and culture that breathes deeply through the people of this area.
Year: 2014
Length: 82 minutes
Language: Spanish
Country: USA, Colombia
Director: Josef Wladyka
Screenwriter: Alan Blanco & Josef Wladyka
Producer: Elena Greenlee, Márcia Nunes
Editor: Kristan Sprague
Cinematographer: Alan Blanco
Executive Producer: Spike Lee, Mary Regency Boies, Marisa Polvino, Kate Cohen
Co-Producer: Mirlanda Torres Zapata, Carolina Caicedo
Cast: Cristian Advincula, Jarlin Martinez, Manuel David Riascos, Hadder Blandon
Interests: Drama, Thriller, NY Director(s), First Time Filmmaker
In February of 2010, I set out on a journey to two major port cities on the southern Pacific coast of Colombia accompanied by an NYU colleague and a close friend native to the region. We were granted special access to Malaga Naval base, where we photographed and explored narco submarines and torpedoes confiscated by the Colombian Navy. What struck me most were the realities of those ensnared by this world. Over the next two years, I returned to the homes of these individuals and listened to their tales and deeply personal accounts of how their lives remain entrenched in the drug trade.
Displaced Community – Narco Submarine – Sabaletas Displaced Community – Narco Submarine – Sabaletas
A region known for political unrest and organized crime, it’s no secret that the drug trade continues to have a staggering effect over its people. We documented numerous accounts of daily confrontations with paramilitaries, guerrillas, and criminal drug traffickers. I asked a man from Tumaco if he could see an end to the turmoil in Colombia and he responded, « Yes…but only in my dreams. »
Team Manos location scouting in Buenaventura Team Manos location scouting in Buenaventura
Manos Sucias is not another movie that glamorizes cocaine and the drug trade, rather it’s a film that unveils the realities of exploitation of the children, impoverished fishermen, and families who are forced to be a part of this world. My writing partner, Alan Blanco, and I wrote Manos Sucias to captivate viewers through action and suspense, while giving them a glimpse into the oft-neglected troubles that plague the people of this region. I arrived in Colombia with a passion for discovering the local stories; I left with an idea for a film that will speak to audiences across the globe.
Print Source
Márcia Nunes
Tenacious Productions
New York, 10011
Phone: 917 903 0642
[email protected]
US Sales Contact
Mark Ankner
Beverly Hills, 90210
Phone: 310 246 3161
[email protected]
International Sales Contact
Márcia Nunes
Tenacious Productions
New York, 10011
Phone: 917 903 0642
[email protected]
Press Contact
Lauren Asher
Sunshine Sachs & Associates
West Hollywood, 90069
Phone: 323-822-9300
[email protected]
2014 | Tribeca Film Festival, New York, USA | 16 > 27 April 2014
* Selection
* Premiere: North American
* Screening: 6:45 PM – THU 4/17 – Bow Tie Cinemas Chelsea 8
* Screening: 9:45 PM – FRI 4/18 – Bow Tie Cinemas Chelsea 8
* Screening: 10:30 PM – MON 4/21- Bow Tie Cinemas Chelsea 9
* Screening: 11:30 AM – SUN 4/27 – Bow Tie Cinemas Chelsea 4
* Screening: 5:30 PM – SUN 4/27 – Bow Tie Cinemas Chelsea 4
Dos pescadores son forzados a arrastrar un narco-torpedo lleno de cocaína por la costa de Pacifico de Colombia hacia Panama, con un Mafiosi.
Una pelicula de Josef WLADYKA
USA/Colombia, 2014, 1h24mn VOSTF
Elenco: Cristian James Abvincula, Jarlin Javier Martinez, Hadder Blandon…
Director: Josef Kubota Wladyka
Guión: Alan Blanco & Josef Wladyka
Producción: Elena Greenlee & Márcia Nunes
Co-Producción: Mirlanda Torres Zapata
Idioma Original: Español
Duración: 1.24
País: Colombia
En febrero de 2010, me embarqué en un viaje a lo largo de la costa del Pacífico a dos ciudades portuarias, Buenaventura y Tumaco, acompañado por un colega y una amiga cercana nativa de Colombia. Juntos, hemos recopilado historias y narraciones de pescadores afro-colombianos que forman las comunidades aun mas unidas, repartidos por toda la costa. No es ningún secreto que el narcotráfico sigue dando un efecto asombroso sobre el pueblo en esta región, y en medio de los cuentos personales escuchamos historias de enfrentamientos diarios con la violencia y el terror de los paramilitares de derecha, guerrillas izquierdistas y narcotraficantes. Aunque el pulso sordo de esta dura realidad se mantiene constante, lo que perdura y que refleja a través de la oscuridad, es la humanidad y la cultura que se respira profundamente por la gente de esta zona.
Dos pescadores son forzados a arrastrar un narco-torpedo lleno de cocaína por la costa de Pacifico de Colombia hacia Panama.
Una pelicula de Josef WLADYKA
USA/Colombia, 2014, 1h24mn VOSTF
Director: Josef Kubota Wladyka
Guión: Alan Blanco & Josef Wladyka
Producción: Elena Greenlee & Márcia Nunes
Co-Producción: Mirlanda Torres Zapata
En febrero de 2010, me embarqué en un viaje a lo largo de la costa del Pacífico a dos ciudades portuarias, Buenaventura y Tumaco, acompañado por un colega y una amiga cercana nativa de Colombia. Juntos, hemos recopilado historias y narraciones de pescadores afro-colombianos que forman las comunidades aun mas unidas, repartidos por toda la costa. No es ningún secreto que el narcotráfico sigue dando un efecto asombroso sobre el pueblo en esta región, y en medio de los cuentos personales escuchamos historias de enfrentamientos diarios con la violencia y el terror de los paramilitares de derecha, guerrillas izquierdistas y narcotraficantes. Aunque el pulso sordo de esta dura realidad se mantiene constante, lo que perdura y que refleja a través de la oscuridad, es la humanidad y la cultura que se respira profundamente por la gente de esta zona.
Una pelicula de Josef WLADYKA
USA/Colombia, 2014, 1h24mn VOSTF
Director: Josef Kubota Wladyka
Guión: Alan Blanco & Josef Wladyka
Producción: Elena Greenlee & Márcia Nunes
Co-Producción: Mirlanda Torres Zapata
En febrero de 2010, me embarqué en un viaje a lo largo de la costa del Pacífico a dos ciudades portuarias, Buenaventura y Tumaco, acompañado por un colega y una amiga cercana nativa de Colombia. Juntos, hemos recopilado historias y narraciones de pescadores afro-colombianos que forman las comunidades aun mas unidas, repartidos por toda la costa. No es ningún secreto que el narcotráfico sigue dando un efecto asombroso sobre el pueblo en esta región, y en medio de los cuentos personales escuchamos historias de enfrentamientos diarios con la violencia y el terror de los paramilitares de derecha, guerrillas izquierdistas y narcotraficantes. Aunque el pulso sordo de esta dura realidad se mantiene constante, lo que perdura y que refleja a través de la oscuridad, es la humanidad y la cultura que se respira profundamente por la gente de esta zona.
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