Fiche Film
COURT Métrage | 2016
Edem Saved me
Pays concerné : Ghana
Support : HD
Durée : 9 minutes
Type : animation


Edem et Kwesi sont deux amis et guerriers d’un roi. Leur amité est menacée quand Edem est accusé d’avoir volé le roi. Son ami Kwesi prend le risque de s’embarquer dans un voyage dangereux afin de chercher une pierre enchantée qui devrait finir par révéler la vérité qui se cache derrière l’accusation contre Edem.

Un film de Zenock Amponsah

Ghana, 2015 | Animation | 8:30 minutes | anglais

Réal : Zenock Gyimah-Amponsah

Prod : National Film and Television Institute (NAFTI)

2016 | African Animation: A short Films Evening, BERLIN, Germany
* Organisée par AfricAvenir, au cinéma Hackesche Höfe Kino
* Selection (curatrice : Ebele Okoye)

2016 | SVAFF – Silicon Valley African Film Festival, USA
* Official Selection


Two friends Edem and Kwesi were warriors to a King. Their friendship is threatened when Edem is accused of stealing from the King. His friend Kwesi risks embarking on a dangerous journey to seek an enchanted stone that ends up resolving the truth behind Edem’s accusation.

A film by Zenock Amponsah

Ghana, 2015 | Animation | 8:30 minutes |

Director: Zenock Gyimah-Amponsah
Prod : National Film and Television Institute (NAFTI)

2016 | African Animation: A short Films Evening, BERLIN, Germany
* Organised by AfricAvenir, at Hackesche Höfe Kino
* Selection (curator: Ebele Okoye)

2016 | SVAFF – Silicon Valley African Film Festival, USA
* Official Selection
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