Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 2018
Whispering truth to power
Pays concerné : Afrique du Sud
Support : DVD
Durée : 86 minutes
Genre : portrait
Type : documentaire


Ce film retrace la dernière année du mandat de Thuli Madonsela, protectrice publique d’Afrique du Sud dans ses efforts de rendre justice au citoyen ordinaire.

Un film de Shameela SEEDAT

Afrique du Sud, 2018, documentaire, 1h26 mins

Durée/Length: 86 mn
Format: DCP, Blu-ray 16/9, DVD 16/9, mp4 16/9

Réalisatrice : Shameela Seedat
Scenario/Script: Shameela Seedat
Images/Pictures: Francois Verster
Son/Sound: Francois Verster, Shameela Seedat
Montage/Editing: Francois Verster
Musique/Music: Cornell Boshoff

Email: [email protected]

2019 | LAFF, Luxor
* Prix spécial du jury (Compétition Longs métrages documentaires)

2019 | Fespaco, Ouaga
* Etalon de bronze Documentaire (Bronze Stallion for Documentary)

2018 | 25è Hot Docs, TORONTO, Canada
* Première Mondiale
* Prix spécial du jury International documentaires


The story of barrister Thuli Madonsela who stood against state-sponsored corruption to take on former SA president Zuma.

Jacob Zuma’s presidency posed the most difficult test yet to the country’s democracy. Filmmaker Shameela Seedat offers a powerful portrait of the country’s public protector, Thuli Madonsela, who fearlessly « whispered truth to power » throughout the Zuma era.

This film charts the final year in office of South Africa’s Public Protector, Thuli Madonsela, as she attempts to bring justice to ordinary people.

In 2009 not a single member of parliament voted against Thuli Madonsela when she was nominated for the position of Public Protector. By the end of her seven year term, the political playing field had changed, drastically. We follow Madonsela during her final and tumultuous year in office, beginning with the landmark Constitutional Court case on the powers of the Public Protector, to Madonsela once again investigating the then President Jacob Zuma.

A film by Shameela SEEDAT

South Africa, 2018, documentary, 1h26 mins

Countries: South Africa/Netherlands
Year: 2018
Duration: 86 minutes
Format: DCP, Blu-ray 16/9, DVD 16/9, mp4 16/9

Director: Shameela Seedat
Scenario/Script: Shameela Seedat
Images/Pictures: Francois Verster
Son/Sound: Francois Verster, Shameela Seedat
Montage/Editing: Francois Verster
Musique/Music: Cornell Boshoff

Email: [email protected]

2019 | LAFF, Luxor
* Prix spécial du jury (Compétition Longs métrages documentaires) :
* won: Special Jury Feature Documentary Prize

2019 | Fespaco, Ouaga
* won: Etalon de bronze Documentaire (Bronze Stallion for Documentary)

2018 | 25th Hot Docs, TORONTO, Canada
* World Premiere
* won: Special Jury International Documentary Prize
TIE: « For its timely portrait of a bad-ass public servant who uses her office for good at a pivotal moment in South African politics, we co-award the Special Jury Prize – International Feature Documentary to WHISPERING TRUTH TO POWER. »


Etalon d’or Documentaire : LE LOUP D’OR DE BALOLÉ, Aïcha BORO, Burkina Faso
Etalon d’argent Documentaire : AU TEMPS OÙ LES ARABES DANSAIENT, Jawad RHALIB, Maroc
Etalon de bronze Documentaire : WHISPERING TRUTH TO POWER, Shameela SEEDAT, Afrique du Sud
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