Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 2018
Briser le cercle (Breaking the Cycle)
Pays concerné : Trinité-et-Tobago
Durée : 62 minutes
Genre : portrait
Type : documentaire


La violence dans les relations homme-femme est souvent maintenue par le secret.
Camika, mère de famille trinidadienne, a été une femme battue par son mari, elle est maintenant résiliente et a trouvé la force d’élever la voix pour faire cesser l’abus et rompre le cercle du silence.

Un film de Miquel Galofré

Trinité-et-Tobago, 2018, documentaire | 62 min

avec Camika Mc Letchie

Réalisateur : Miquel Galofré
Scénario : Juliette McCawley et Miquel Galofré
Narration et Musique : Freetown Collective

Prod : T&T Rocks


2019 | Festival du film documentaire de Martinique
* Sélection
* Projection : Samedi 6 avril, à 16h00, Cinéma Madiana – Palais des Congrès de Madiana, SCHOELCHER. En présence du réalisateur Miquel Galofre et de Rita Bonheur, présidente de l’UFM
* Projection : Mardi 9 avril, à 19h00, Anses d’Arlet
* Projection : Jeudi 11 Avril, à 19h00, Le Carbet

2018 | Trinidad Tobago Film Festival
* Projection : Dim 23 Sep 2018, 18h30, MovieTowne, Tobago
* Projection : Lun 24 Sep 2018, 13h00


Moving from victim to survivor, Camika, a mother of seven, shares her personal story of how she got the strength and voice to stop the cycle of domestic abuse in her home.

Abuse in relationships is often a tragic secret that tears lives apart. One in three women are victims of domestic abuse. It is a tragedy that happens in every sector of society regardless of class, race, religion, education or gender. It is the victim’s silence that becomes their abusers greatest weapon, allowing the cycle of pain to continue. Children who witness abuse, grow up believing it a normal part of relationships. Boys seeing their mothers disrespected and battered are more likely to grow up and do the same to their partners. Girls are more likely to grow up to find partners who abuse them. This cycle of domestic abuse and violence cannot be broken with silence. This is the story of a woman who went from victim to survivor, who found the strength and the voice to stop the abuse and break the cycle.

A film by Miquel Galofré

Trinidad and Tobago, 2018, documentary | 62 min

With Camika Mc Letchie

Title: Breaking the Cycle
Year of Release: 2018
Region: Trinidad & Tobago
Language: English
Type / Genre: Documentary Short
Runtime: 61 minutes
Rating: PG

Director: Miquel Galofré
Written by Juliette McCawley and Miquel Galofré
Narration and Music by Freetown Collective

Prod : T&T Rocks


2019 | Festival du film documentaire de Martinique 2019
* Selection

2018 | Trinidad+Tobago Film Festival
* Showtimes and venues: Sun 23 Sep 2018, 6.30pm, MovieTowne, Tobago
* Showtimes and venues: Mon 24 Sep 2018, 1.00pm.
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