Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 2005
Cher père, silence, on tire… (Dear Father, Quiet, We’re Shooting…)
Titre original : Avi hayakar, sheket yorim
Pays concerné : Israël
Durée : 75 minutes
Genre : guerre
Type : documentaire


Le 5 juin 1982, l’IDF (Israel Defense Forces) envahit le Sud-Liban pour en chasser l’OLP; mais ce qui devait être l’opération « Paix en Galilée », se transforme en véritable guerre qui durera 18 ans. David Benchetrit donne la parole à des soldats et des officiers israéliens qui ont refusé de prendre part aux actions de l’armée au Sud-Liban. A travers leurs témoignages, ils révèlent la face cachée de la guerre et en dénoncent les mensonges et les conséquences.

« Ce film critique la folie et la futilité des guerres et examine le phénomène de l’objection de conscience durant la guerre du Liban (1982) jusqu’à nos jours. Avec un regard critique et impartial, il propose une autoexamination radicale de la société israélienne, de l’occupation et de l’oppression. Le film se penche sur la question de la responsabilité des crimes de guerre commis sous les ordres d’officiers, de commandants militaires et de politiciens. S’agit-il de limites pour les lois de l’État? Comment la conscience des citoyens réagit- elle face à ces mesures? Se montre-t-elle favorable aux lois universelles de l’humanité? »
David Benchetrit

société de production
Akedia Productions Ltd.

Cinema project, Rabinowitz Fund, Riff International Production

Israël, 2005, Beta SP, couleur, 75′

Contact presse et public :
Michaël Dacheux
Documentaire sur Grand Ecran


36ème IFFR – Festival International du film de Rotterdam, Hollande, 2007
> Sélection

20ème Festival International du film de Fribourg (Suisse)
> Sélection


Dear Father, Quiet, We’re Shooting… (Avi hayakar, sheket yorim)
Pitiless self investigation of Israeli society based on testimony by conscientious objecting soldiers and citizens. They show the true face of war.

Do soldiers and civilians have a right to know why and in the name of what they are called to battle, to kill and be killed? David Benchetrit’s investigative film deals with the folly and futility of war and the phenomenon of conscientious objection in the Lebanon war (1982) and now. Eighteen years of war and two intifadas (1982, 2000) shook the Israeli society with terrible sights of terror attacks and controversial operations by IDF soldiers during the El Aqsa intifada. Soldiers and officers who refused to take part in Israeli operations in the territories took it upon themselves to expose the lie and reveal the true face of the war, its consequences and implications. Pilot Yoel Peterberg, regiment commander Eli Geva, combat soldier Serjio Yani, tank commander Igal Ezrati and Gadi Algazi pose burning questions, as soldiers and civilians, about the meaning of the personal responsibility of each and every one of us, about the limits of ethics and conscience. The film sketches a harsh and piercing look, in an uncompromising self-examination of Israeli society, the occupation and the oppression. It deals with the responsibility for war crimes carried out under the orders of officers, military commanders and politicians. An informative and provocative picture from both sides of the coin.

« The film deals with the folly and futility of wars and the phenomenon of conscientious objection in the Lebanon war from 1982 until today. It is a harsh and piercing look, an uncompromising self-examination of Israeli society, the occupation and the oppression. The film deals with the responsibility for war crimes carried out under the orders of officers, military commanders and politicians. Are there limits to the laws of the state? Are people’s consciences above these laws out of a commitment to humanity and universal laws? »
David Benchetrit

hebrew; s-t. english
Country of production: Israel
Format: Beta SP

Director………………………..David Benchetrit
Production company……….. Akedia Productions Ltd.
Sales………………………….. Akedia Productions Ltd.
Print source………………….. Akedia Productions Ltd.
Scenario……………………… David Benchetrit, Senyora Bar David
Editor…………………………. Senyora Bar David
Length…… 1h15


36th IFFR – International Film Festival Rotterdam, Hollande, 2007
> Selection

20th Fribourg International Film Festival 2006
> Selection
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