Fiche Personne
Littérature / édition

Juma Mwagwirani Mwakimatu



Juma Mwamgwirani Mwakimatu is an emerging young author who is proving to be ‘old’ for his age.

About The Choice

Mria's heart is longing for David's affection but she doesn’t know how to express her love for him. She doesn't know either the reasons why she loves him and what she is supposed to do with those feelings. David thinks Mria is the most beautiful girl he has ever seen in his life; he feels she is part of him. He wants Mria to be his. The two have different opinions on what love is and what is supposed to be done to show real love. They are in relationship. David is not given the thing his friends and colleagues get from their girlfriends. David becomes impatient, one day he dares to make a request, a request which turn to be catastrophic to their lives. They all find themselves in the biggest challenge to overcome the catastrophe as well as to concentrate on their studies since both of them are still students.

The Choice poses a very fascinating question to young lovers probably many of them never thought about. Is the real duty of love is sorrow? Is that true that the only precious gift can a lover always brings to a partner is sufferings?

The Choice has those answers as almost everyone in adolescence is moving towards or away for what is thought to be love.

2011 Burt Award for African Literature – 3rd place
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