
Une vidéo pour l’Union africaine
juillet 2002 | | Cinéma/TV | Afrique du Sud
Source : Screen Africa


Le ministère de la Culture sud-africain a commandité une production vidéo pour célébrer l’histoire du continent africain pour préparer la réunion de l’Union africaine à Durban.
De grands noms de la création audiovisuelle et littéraire sud-africaine y sont associés.
Lire le détail des informations en anglais.


A host of South Africa’s leading creative talent was involved in a video production specially commissioned by the Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology (DACST) for the launch of the African Union in Durban.

The video was produced and directed by Feizel Mamdoo (What Happened to Mbuyisa?) and executive produced by Zola Maseko (The Foreigner / Sartjie Baartman). Well-known novelist Mandla Langa wrote the script. Catherine Meyburgh, editor of Yizo Yizo, cut the video which was shot by Eddie Wes. The voice-over artists were the popular actors, Keketso Somoto and John Matshikiza.

Mamdoo describes the video as impressionistic rather than literal. « It gives pride of voice to a praise singer – as one of the people in African society who can very directly address senior leaders. The praise singer in the video is a mythical figure. She normally resides as a tree in another dimension and, is also a water spirit. »

The video follows the spirit as she begins a journey through important milestones in Africa’s history (including the establishment of the Organisation for African Unity in 1963), until the launch of the African Union.
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