Fiche Personne
Théâtre Cinéma/TV Histoire/société

Lloyd « Raki » Jones

Universitaire, Scénariste


Lloyd « Raki » Jones est scénariste.


Raki Jones is an award-winning independent producer and writer who joined the team at Spark Media to work on the Men in White and Prince Among Slaves films. In addition to winning numerous awards for various projects, Raki was also nominated for an Emmy for his work on the Colored Cyclone in 1995. Raki is also a professor at Howard University and the University of the District of Columbia, and brings the same sage-like wisdom to Spark. When not dispensing knowledge as Spark’s Obi-wan Kenobi, Raki can often be found carefully examining the latest offerings in books, DVDs, music, etc. at the local Olsson’s Bookstore.
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