Fiche Personne

Moonlight Benjamin

Chanteur/euse, Musicien/ne
France, Haïti


Une voix sensuelle, soul, magnifique et fervente, pour un voyage au sein de l’immense diversité de l’âme créatrice haïtienne.

Envoutante comme un rite vaudou, MOONLIGHT BENJAMIN fait résonner les voix des poètes haïtiens, elle chante l?exil, l?identité, la révolte. Force des mélodies et du message : le feu de tout un peuple couve en elle et se répand.

Dans son second album, « Mouvman » (Ma Case / Mosaic Music), elle poursuit son hommage à la culture de son pays et met à l’honneur, en plus de chants traditionnels, différents textes d’auteurs, comme une visite de l’immense diversité de l’âme créatrice haïtienne qui puise son inspiration dans la chaotique histoire du pays.

Depuis qu’elle est arrivée en France en 2002, Moonlight Benjamin s’est produit dans de nombreux clubs et festivals de France et Europe.


Sultry Soul Singer, Moonlight Benjamin is a culmination of all of your favourites from the heart of a woman who shares his culture with the rest of the world with her voice.

An excursion along the African roots of an authentic Creole culture which has a history of struggle for its recognition although it was the first ?Black Republic? ever established.

Not afraid to experiment and not shackled by what is considered mainstream, she holds soul and fire of all Haitian people. She represents her country with imaginable style by putting her voice on texts by Haitian poets.

The project merged when Haitian singer Moonlight Benjamin?s encounter with musicians from France. The interbreeding of traditional Caribbean singing, poetry and rhythms with jazz gave birth to a sensual, enchanting, lively music, somewhere between ?voodoo songs? and world music. Partly in French, partly in Creole, Moonlight sings her native land with uncommon emotional charge, in a repertoire made up of traditional rhythms, dances and songs.

Since she moved to France in 2002, Moonlight Benjamin has been representing Haiti on stage in every club and festivals in France and throughout Europe.
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