Fiche Personne

Humberto Carlos Benfica (Wazimbo)

Chanteur/euse, Musicien/ne


Humberto Carlos Benfica, plus connu sous son pseudo Wazimbo, né le 11 novembre 1948, est l'une des plus grandes voix de la Marrabenta – célèbre style de musique du Mozambique.

Né à Chibuto, dans la province de Gaza, il a grandi à Maputo, dans le quartier populaire de Mafalala. C'est là qu'il commence sa carrière musicale, en 1964, comme vocaliste des groupes Silverstars, puis Geiziers. En 1972, Wazimbo signe son premier contrat professionnel et part vivre deux ans en Angola.

Après l'indépendance en 1975, il joue avec l'orchestre de la radio nationale, "Radio Mocambique". Il devient en 1979 vocaliste principal de l'"Orchestra Marrabenta Star De Mocambique", qui développe un style funky de Marranbenta, avec guitares électriques, trompettes puissantes et voix soul.

Suite à leur énorme popularité au Mozambique, ils tournent en Europe et enregistrent deux albums avec le label allemand Piranha. L'une des chansons la plus célèbre du groupe est la ballade Nwahulwana ("oiseau de nuit"), enregistrée en 1988, qui donnera le nom d'un de leurs albums en 2001. En 2001, cette chanson fait partie de la bande-son du film The Pledge, réalisé par Sean Penn.

Le groupe finit par se séparer en 1995.

Albums :

– "IndepenDance", 1989

– "Marrabenta Piquenique", avec l'Orchestra Marrabenta Star de Mocambique, 1996

– "Nwahulwana", avec Orchestra Marrabenta Star de Mocambique, 2001

(traduit de l'article Wikipedia, anglais)


Humberto Carlos Benfica known as Wazimbo (born November 11, 1948) is one of the greatest voices of Mozambique and one of the most famous singers for the Mozambican style – Marrabenta.

Born in Chibuto, Gaza Mozambique he moved to the capital – Lourenço Marques (today Maputo) – where he grew up in the popular neighborhood Mafalala. There he started as a vocal member for the local'Silverstars' and then'Geizers'.

Later, he joined Orchestra Marrabenta Star. Wazimbo started to sing in 1964 with the Mozambican group'Silverstars' and continued as a singer with the Geiziers, performing a colonial mix of international pop music with a Brazilian tinge in Mocambique's capital, Maputo, city that was very famous to the South Africans citizen by the time.

In 1972 Wazimbo signed his first contract as a professional singer and moved for two years to Angola. In 1974, he returned and participated actively in the African Music Association. After the independence Wazimbo worked with the big band of the national radio, "Radio Mocambique".

He became the lead vocalist of "Orchestra Marrabenta Star De Mocambique" in 1979 and worked with various members from the big band of RM. Led by the main vocalist Wazimbo, "Orchestra Marrabenta Star de Mocambique" developed a full and funky style of marrabenta featuring electric guitars, powerful horn lines and soulful vocals.

After becoming extremely popular at home in Mocambique, they toured in Europe and released two CD's on Germany's "Piranha label". Both showcased a varied mix of dance styles plus the occasional, strikingly soulful ballad.

One of the most famous work of this group is the ballad Nwahulwana ('night bird'), released in 1988. In 2001, the song was part of the song track for the movie 'The Pledge' directed by Sean Penn.

The 90's saw a return to peace in Mozambique, but by then there were no recording studios or music venues, and the group finally disbanded in 1995.

Albums :

– "IndepenDance", 1989

– "Marrabenta Piquenique", with Orchestra Marrabenta Star de Mocambique, 1996

– "Nwahulwana", with Orchestra Marrabenta Star de Mocambique, 2001

(article from Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia)


Wazimbo (nome real Humberto Carlos Benfica), é um cantor famoso de marrabenta, nascido no dia 11 de Novembro de 1948 em Chibuto (provincia de Gaza).

Cresceu na Mafalala (bairro de Maputo) e tornou-se, em 1964, vocalista dos Silverstars e depos dos Geizers. Em 1979, depois de 2 anos em Angola, juntou-se à Orquestra Marrabenta Star.
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