Fiche Structure
Norwegian Film Institute (NFI)

Statut : Administration publique
Adresse : Dronningens gate 16 0152 Oslo
Pays concerné : Norvège
Téléphone(s) : + 47 22 47 45 00
Fax : + 47 22 47 45 99
Site web :
About the NFI
The Norwegian Film Institute operates under the auspices of The Royal Norwegian Ministry for Culture and is the government’s civil executive body for the film sector and its advisor in questions of film policy. Through Regulations delivered by the Ministry and its general mandate the NFI is charged with putting the government’s film policy into practice.
The NFI provides support for Norwegian Films, televisions series and electronic games, and organizes training and talent development in the sector. The Film Institute represents and informs about Norwegian film on the national as well as on the international level. Through our web site, the Film Museum, and exhibitions in the Film House the NFI protects and disseminates knowledge of and understanding of the Norwegian film heritage.
The Institute is furthermore charged with facilitating and marketing Norway as an attractive shooting location for foreign film producers.
The Norwegian Film Institute is located in the Film House in Dronningens gate 16 in downtown Oslo.
The Film House is a focal point for the film business, the public and for film administration.
The Institute at present has approximately 100 employees, organized into departments of:
* Development & Production
* Promotion & International Relations
* Public Services
* Administration
* Information
The latter department is in charge of the Cinematheque. The NFI has at its disposal two state-of-the-art cinema theatres, the Tancred and the Lillebil.
The Norwegian Flm Institute is a member of the international film archives’ organization FIAF, and of a number of other international bodies and organizations in the film sector, among them the International Council of Educational Media, European Film Academy and Scandinavian Films.
The Film Institute represents Norway in the European co-production fund EURIMAGES and in the European Audiovisual Observatory.
Nina Refseth
Phone: +47 22 47 45 45
Email: [email protected]
Mette Tharaldsen
Director Media & Communication
Phone: +47 22 47 45 28
Cell phone: +47 916 36 067
Email: [email protected]
Stine Helgeland
Executive Director, Promotion & International Relations
Phone: +47 22 47 45 17
Cell phone: +47 957 44 173
Email: [email protected]
Ivar Køhn
Executive Director, Development & Production
Phone: +47 22 47 46 51
Cell phone: +47 414 02 096
Email: [email protected]
Julie Ova
Executive Director, Audience Department
Phone: +47 22 47 45 25
Cell phone: +47 924 69 955
Email: [email protected]
Box 482 Sentrum
N-0105, Oslo
Published: 04/04/2011 | Edited: 15/06/2012
Om Norsk filminstitutt
Norsk filminstitutt (NFI) ligg under Kulturdepartementet og er forvaltningsorgan for staten på filmområdet og rådgjevar i filmpolitiske spørsmål. Gjennom forskrifter og mandat har NFI ansvaret for å setje filmpolitikken til regjerninga ut i livet. NFI blir leidd av eit styre og direktør Nina Refseth.
Publisert: 09.04.2010 | Sist endret: 17.09.2012
The Norwegian Film Institute operates under the auspices of The Royal Norwegian Ministry for Culture and is the government’s civil executive body for the film sector and its advisor in questions of film policy. Through Regulations delivered by the Ministry and its general mandate the NFI is charged with putting the government’s film policy into practice.
The NFI provides support for Norwegian Films, televisions series and electronic games, and organizes training and talent development in the sector. The Film Institute represents and informs about Norwegian film on the national as well as on the international level. Through our web site, the Film Museum, and exhibitions in the Film House the NFI protects and disseminates knowledge of and understanding of the Norwegian film heritage.
The Institute is furthermore charged with facilitating and marketing Norway as an attractive shooting location for foreign film producers.
The Norwegian Film Institute is located in the Film House in Dronningens gate 16 in downtown Oslo.
The Film House is a focal point for the film business, the public and for film administration.
The Institute at present has approximately 100 employees, organized into departments of:
* Development & Production
* Promotion & International Relations
* Public Services
* Administration
* Information
The latter department is in charge of the Cinematheque. The NFI has at its disposal two state-of-the-art cinema theatres, the Tancred and the Lillebil.
The Norwegian Flm Institute is a member of the international film archives’ organization FIAF, and of a number of other international bodies and organizations in the film sector, among them the International Council of Educational Media, European Film Academy and Scandinavian Films.
The Film Institute represents Norway in the European co-production fund EURIMAGES and in the European Audiovisual Observatory.
Nina Refseth
Phone: +47 22 47 45 45
Email: [email protected]
Mette Tharaldsen
Director Media & Communication
Phone: +47 22 47 45 28
Cell phone: +47 916 36 067
Email: [email protected]
Stine Helgeland
Executive Director, Promotion & International Relations
Phone: +47 22 47 45 17
Cell phone: +47 957 44 173
Email: [email protected]
Ivar Køhn
Executive Director, Development & Production
Phone: +47 22 47 46 51
Cell phone: +47 414 02 096
Email: [email protected]
Julie Ova
Executive Director, Audience Department
Phone: +47 22 47 45 25
Cell phone: +47 924 69 955
Email: [email protected]
Box 482 Sentrum
N-0105, Oslo
Published: 04/04/2011 | Edited: 15/06/2012
Om Norsk filminstitutt
Norsk filminstitutt (NFI) ligg under Kulturdepartementet og er forvaltningsorgan for staten på filmområdet og rådgjevar i filmpolitiske spørsmål. Gjennom forskrifter og mandat har NFI ansvaret for å setje filmpolitikken til regjerninga ut i livet. NFI blir leidd av eit styre og direktør Nina Refseth.
Publisert: 09.04.2010 | Sist endret: 17.09.2012
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