There are flattering ways of framing and lighting people that highlight their humanity. Fanta Régina Nacro possess this art and « Vivre positivement« , which essentially gives people a chance to speak out, thus makes for captivating viewing, eliciting a real emotion.
Whereas her previous short film, « Le Truc de Konaté« , invited people to use condoms in a highly amusing, superbly handled fiction, this film plunges into the intimacy of people’s experiences to fight against all the forms of exclusion faced by Aids sufferers. The religious leader’s appeal for tolerance at the start of the film sets the tone. What is at stake is to be able to speak the illness’ name and to continue living normally. « Love is part of the treatment » – as is being a human, not a recluse, in order to be able to fight the illness. This includes the possibility for HIV-positive women to be able to have children. By centring her film on the right to live and to procreate in this way, Fanta Nacro develops a positive vision that never revels in pity or the sordid. The free speech that she captures with great respect for the people concerned thus takes on all its force and makes this sincere film much more than just another documentary on Aids. It is a moving manifesto against rejection, in favour of self-affirmation.
///Article N° : 5673