Fiche Film
© FLTfilms, 2006
MOYEN Métrage | 2008
Imam et le Pasteur (L’) | Imam & the Pastor (The)

© FLTfilms, 2006
Pays concerné : Nigeria
Support : DVD
Durée : 39 minutes
Genre : portrait
Type : documentaire
Site web :
L’IMAM ET LE PASTEUR dépeint la réconciliation entre l’imam Muhammad Ashafa et le pasteur James Wuye, et les initiatives de paix qui en découlent. Le film, raconté par Rageh Omaar, montre qu’il est possible pour les auteurs de violence inter-religieuse de devenir les instigateurs de la paix. Il est à la fois une histoire de pardon et l’étude d’une initiative visant à reconstruire les communautés déchirées par les conflits.
Réal : Alan Channer
Royaume Uni / Nigeria, 2008, Documentaire, 39 mins
Premier prix de la catégorie court métrage lors du Africa World Documentary Film Festival, tenu à Saint Louis, Missouri, Etats-Unis, en octobre 2007.
‘Un magnifique exemple vivant de ce que les religions bien comprises peuvent accomplir pour rétablir la Paix.’
Pascale Frémont, présidente du Groupe de Montréal.
Conférence mondiale des Religions pour la Paix.
‘Sujet puissant et d’actualité.’
Ambassadeur Aminu Wali.
Représentant permanent du Nigeria aux Nations Unies.
‘Film unique touchant droit au coeur. Des personnes authentiques avec un profond message d’espoir, pertinent pour d’autres conflits dans le monde.’
Imam Hamid Slimi, Toronto.
Président du conseil canadien des imams.
‘Une déchirante histoire de violence, mais surtout un témoignage émouvant de pardon et d’amitié.’
Bunmi Akpata-Ohohe
Réal : Alan Channer
Royaume Uni / Nigeria, 2008, Documentaire, 39 mins
Premier prix de la catégorie court métrage lors du Africa World Documentary Film Festival, tenu à Saint Louis, Missouri, Etats-Unis, en octobre 2007.
‘Un magnifique exemple vivant de ce que les religions bien comprises peuvent accomplir pour rétablir la Paix.’
Pascale Frémont, présidente du Groupe de Montréal.
Conférence mondiale des Religions pour la Paix.
‘Sujet puissant et d’actualité.’
Ambassadeur Aminu Wali.
Représentant permanent du Nigeria aux Nations Unies.
‘Film unique touchant droit au coeur. Des personnes authentiques avec un profond message d’espoir, pertinent pour d’autres conflits dans le monde.’
Imam Hamid Slimi, Toronto.
Président du conseil canadien des imams.
‘Une déchirante histoire de violence, mais surtout un témoignage émouvant de pardon et d’amitié.’
Bunmi Akpata-Ohohe
Imam & the Pastor (The)
‘THE IMAM AND THE PASTOR’ depicts the astonising reconciliation between Imam Muhammad Ashafa and Pastor James Wuye, and the peace-making initiatives which have flowed from it. The film, narrated by Rageh Omaar, shows that it is possible for the perpetrators of inter-religious violence to become instigators of peace. It is both a story of forgiveness and a case study of grass-root initiatives to rebuild communities torn apart by conflict.
In the 1990s, Imam Ashafa and Pastor Wuye led opposing militias in Northern Nigeria. Now the two men work together bridging religious conflicts that have killed thousands. In recent decades, tens of thousands of Nigerians have been killed in communal clashes between Christians and Muslims. « We formed a militia to protect our people ». states Pastor Wuye. « My hate for the Muslims then had no limits ». The victims of his militia included Imam Ashafa’s spiritual leader and two cousins. The Imam spent three years planning revenge. Then one day, a sermon on forgiveness changed his life. The two men met and « gradually the relationship began to grow ». They played a leading role in negotiating a historic peace accord. As Imam Ashafa explains, « even though we differ in some theological issues, we will make the world a safer place ».
‘Theirs is an inspiring story, full of hope… A model for Muslim-Christian relations.’
Dr Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury
‘Powerful and timely.’
Ambassador Aminu Wali, Nigerian Permanent Mission to the United Nations
‘Beautifully shot, visually evocative… its content is never less than thought-provoking and carries potential lessons for us all.’
The Herald, Scotland
Director: Alan Channer | Producer: Alan Channer
United Kingdom / Nigeria / 2008, Documentary, 3ç mins
Tags: Belief, Religion, Social Development, Spiritual Awareness, World
Narrator: Rageh Omaar; Producer/Director: Alan Channer;
Assistant Producer: Imad Karam; Executive Producer: David Channer
39-minute documentary film on DVD: price £15.99 incl p&p (cheque payable to FLTfilms)
For institutional use please contact the production company at the address below
Produced by FLTfilms,
24 Greencoat Place, London SW1P 1RD
Tel: +44 207 798 6000 info[@]
Executive Producer / Second Camera
David Channer
Producer / Director
Alan Channer
Assistant Producer
Imad Karam
Ian Corcoran
Assistant Editor
Dana Kahil Trometer
Director/Camera – Yelwa Shendam unit
Philip Carr, Cloudburst Media Ltd.
Technical Consultant
Eric Trometer
Production Advisors
Musa Aliyu
Amina Dikedi
Canon Ben Enwuchola
Dr Christiania Whitehead
Mary Winstanley Channer
Arabic language DVDs
are now available
(dubbed and subtitled)
02 March 2007
‘The Imam and the Pastor’ Launched in Nigeria
01 December 2006
at the United Nations
* World Premiere
See the film online:
Somali version: The Somali version of ‘The Imam and the Pastor’ was screened on the Somali satellite channel Universal TV on 31 July 2009. It is on Youtube in two parts:
In the 1990s, Imam Ashafa and Pastor Wuye led opposing militias in Northern Nigeria. Now the two men work together bridging religious conflicts that have killed thousands. In recent decades, tens of thousands of Nigerians have been killed in communal clashes between Christians and Muslims. « We formed a militia to protect our people ». states Pastor Wuye. « My hate for the Muslims then had no limits ». The victims of his militia included Imam Ashafa’s spiritual leader and two cousins. The Imam spent three years planning revenge. Then one day, a sermon on forgiveness changed his life. The two men met and « gradually the relationship began to grow ». They played a leading role in negotiating a historic peace accord. As Imam Ashafa explains, « even though we differ in some theological issues, we will make the world a safer place ».
‘Theirs is an inspiring story, full of hope… A model for Muslim-Christian relations.’
Dr Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury
‘Powerful and timely.’
Ambassador Aminu Wali, Nigerian Permanent Mission to the United Nations
‘Beautifully shot, visually evocative… its content is never less than thought-provoking and carries potential lessons for us all.’
The Herald, Scotland
Director: Alan Channer | Producer: Alan Channer
United Kingdom / Nigeria / 2008, Documentary, 3ç mins
Tags: Belief, Religion, Social Development, Spiritual Awareness, World
Narrator: Rageh Omaar; Producer/Director: Alan Channer;
Assistant Producer: Imad Karam; Executive Producer: David Channer
39-minute documentary film on DVD: price £15.99 incl p&p (cheque payable to FLTfilms)
For institutional use please contact the production company at the address below
Produced by FLTfilms,
24 Greencoat Place, London SW1P 1RD
Tel: +44 207 798 6000 info[@]
Executive Producer / Second Camera
David Channer
Producer / Director
Alan Channer
Assistant Producer
Imad Karam
Ian Corcoran
Assistant Editor
Dana Kahil Trometer
Director/Camera – Yelwa Shendam unit
Philip Carr, Cloudburst Media Ltd.
Technical Consultant
Eric Trometer
Production Advisors
Musa Aliyu
Amina Dikedi
Canon Ben Enwuchola
Dr Christiania Whitehead
Mary Winstanley Channer
Arabic language DVDs
are now available
(dubbed and subtitled)
02 March 2007
‘The Imam and the Pastor’ Launched in Nigeria
01 December 2006
at the United Nations
* World Premiere
See the film online:
Somali version: The Somali version of ‘The Imam and the Pastor’ was screened on the Somali satellite channel Universal TV on 31 July 2009. It is on Youtube in two parts:
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