Fiche Film
COURT Métrage | 2010
Sans titre (Untilted) [réal: Neil Beloufa]
Pays concerné : Algérie
Support : Bétacam SP
Durée : 15 minutes
Genre : politique
Type : fiction


Réalisateur : Neil Beloufa
Algérie/France, 2010, 14’56min


A cardboard decor and photographs reconstitute a luxury Californian-type villa in Algeria. Its inhabitants, neighbours and other protagonists imagine themselves there to explain why and how the latter was occupied by terrorists in order to hide although it is, paradoxically, made entirely of glass. They even polished it clean so as to leave no traces. This improbable and irresolvable anecdote encourages the characters to invent images of an event given media coverage without the images nor the story and thus missing the main point.

Directed by Neil Beloufa

Algeria/France, 2010, 14’56min


2011 | Arab Shorts Festival 2011, Cairo, Egypt
* Selection – Everything is Alright, Officer (curated by Ala Younis)

2011 | International Short Film Festival Oberhausen
* Grand Prize of the City of Oberhausen



El brillo de la luna llena a través de la ventana, ha quemado las cortinas de seda. ¿Sabías que los rayos lunares son más intensos que los del sol?

Neil Beloufa | 2010 | Francia |

2010 / Beta SP / 15 min

Dirección y guión: Neil Beloufa
Producción: Frédéric Papon
Reparto: Coralie Lequain, Alex Pelle, François Bouzigues, Michel Baudemont y Maurice Berland

2012 | 18è Eurociné, Colombia
* Categoría: Europa en cortos
* Screening: Jueves 19 de abril. 9:00 pm. InVitro Visual
* Screening: Miércoles 25 de abril. 6:45 pm. Sala Fundadores Universidad Central
* Screening: Viernes 10 de mayo. 2:15 pm. Centro Colombo Americano de Medellín. Sala 1
* Screening: Jueves 17 de mayo. 3:00 pm. Multicine Centenario
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