Fiche Film
COURT Métrage | 2011
Scent of the streets

Pays concerné : Nigeria
Support : DVD
Durée : 27 minutes
Type : documentaire
3 jeunes femmes décrivent ce que cela signifie d’être une fille à Ajegunle, un des quartiers les plus durs à Lagos, Nigeria.
Réalisatrice : Remi Vaughan-Richards
2010, Nigeria, 27 minutes
Productrice : Chichi Uzuegbu
Réalisatrice : Remi Vaughan-Richards
2010, Nigeria, 27 minutes
Productrice : Chichi Uzuegbu
3 area girls describe what it means to be an area girl in the heart of Ajegunle, One of the roughest neighbourhoods in Lagos, Nigeria.
SCENTS OF THE STREETS hijacks the spectator into the world of the girls gangs of the Ajegunie slums in Lagos. The film follows the charismatic area girl Onyinye, who tries to hold her ground among the area boys.
Directed by Remi Vaughan-Richards.
Producer: Chichi Uzuegbu
Running time: 27mins
Directed by Remi Vaughan-Richards
Produced by Communicating for Change
Camera: Micheal Arogundade
Sound: Solomon Emmanuel
Editor: Sotira Kyriacou
Production Manager: Davina Rodrigues
Series Editor: Steve Bradshaw
A production of Television Trust for the Environment
Client BBC News (UK), Communicating for Change (Nigeria).
dir. Remi Vaughan-Richards
2010, Nigeria, 45 minutes, docudrama
SCENTS OF THE STREETS entführt die Zuschauer in die Welt der Mädchengangs im Slum Ajegunle in Lagos. Der Film folgt dem charismatischen Area Girl Onyinye, die versucht, sich zwischen den Area Boys zu behaupten.
SCENTS OF THE STREETS hijacks the spectator into the world of the girls gangs of the Ajegunie slums in Lagos. The film follows the charismatic area girl Onyinye, who tries to hold her ground among the area boys.
Directed by Remi Vaughan-Richards.
Producer: Chichi Uzuegbu
SCENT OF THE STREET promo DOCUMENTARY from Remi Vaughan-Richards on Vimeo.
Running time: 27mins
Directed by Remi Vaughan-Richards
Produced by Communicating for Change
Camera: Micheal Arogundade
Sound: Solomon Emmanuel
Editor: Sotira Kyriacou
Production Manager: Davina Rodrigues
Series Editor: Steve Bradshaw
A production of Television Trust for the Environment
Client BBC News (UK), Communicating for Change (Nigeria).
dir. Remi Vaughan-Richards
2010, Nigeria, 45 minutes, docudrama
SCENTS OF THE STREETS entführt die Zuschauer in die Welt der Mädchengangs im Slum Ajegunle in Lagos. Der Film folgt dem charismatischen Area Girl Onyinye, die versucht, sich zwischen den Area Boys zu behaupten.
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