Fiche Film
Screenwriter and Director : Marwa Zein,
2007, Soudan, Short Fiction Film, shot in Lebanon.
Najwa Harb
Elie Lamah
Cinematography : Rita Mahfouz
Maya Feghaly
Tony Deep
Marwa Zein
Adapted from the short story’ Woman’s Scent’
by the Sudanese writer Hassan El Jazouly
COURT Métrage | 2007
Salma [dir. Marwa Zein]
Pays concerné : Liban
Durée : 8 minutes
Genre : drame
Type : fiction
scénario et réalisation : Marwa Zein, 2007, court métrage tourné au Liban.
Screenwriter and Director : Marwa Zein,
2007, Soudan, Short Fiction Film, shot in Lebanon.
Najwa Harb
Elie Lamah
Cinematography : Rita Mahfouz
Maya Feghaly
Tony Deep
Marwa Zein
Adapted from the short story’ Woman’s Scent’
by the Sudanese writer Hassan El Jazouly
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