Fiche Film
500 Years Later

Tant que les lions ne raconteront pas leur histoire, les histoires ne chassent seront toujours à l’avantage du chasseur– Proverbe ouest africain
Crime, faiblesse de l’éducation, pauvreté, haine de soi, système carcéral, maisons détruites, frappent globalement les Descendants africains – Pourquoi ?
Tourné dans plus de vingt pays et sur cinq continents, 500 Years Later (500 ans après) est un périple convaincant, dopé par la musique et l’esprit de libération, qui raconte le combat d’un peuple qui a survécu à l’esclavage et qui continue à se battre pour le droit humain le plus essentiel – la liberté.
Réalisé par Owen’Alik Shahadah.
Dr. Maulana Karenga, Dr. Francis Cress Welsing, Paul Robeson, Jr, Issac Ossei. Dr. Kimani Nehusi. Sonia Sanchez. Amiri Baraka. Desmond Tutu. Dr. Hakim Adi. Dr. Tufuku Zuberi. Dr. Molefi K Asante. Dr. Helena Woodard. Shaykh Muhammad Shareef.
Andrew Muhammad. Trevor Marshall. David Comminsong. Nelson George. The Might Gabby.
Tant que les lions ne raconteront pas leur histoire, les histoires ne chassent seront toujours à l’avantage du chasseur– Proverbe ouest africain
Crime, faiblesse de l’éducation, pauvreté, haine de soi, système carcéral, maisons détruites, frappent globalement les Descendants africains – Pourquoi ?
Tourné dans plus de vingt pays et sur cinq continents, 500 Years Later (500 ans après) est un périple convaincant, dopé par la musique et l’esprit de libération, qui raconte le combat d’un peuple qui a survécu à l’esclavage et qui continue à se battre pour le droit humain le plus essentiel – la liberté.
Réalisé par Owen’Alik Shahadah.
Dr. Maulana Karenga, Dr. Francis Cress Welsing, Paul Robeson, Jr, Issac Ossei. Dr. Kimani Nehusi. Sonia Sanchez. Amiri Baraka. Desmond Tutu. Dr. Hakim Adi. Dr. Tufuku Zuberi. Dr. Molefi K Asante. Dr. Helena Woodard. Shaykh Muhammad Shareef.
Andrew Muhammad. Trevor Marshall. David Comminsong. Nelson George. The Might Gabby.
Until Lions tells their tale, the story of the hunt will always glorify the hunter– African proverb
Crime, poor education, poverty, self-hatred, prison system, broken homes plague people of African descent globally – Why?
Filmed in over twenty countries and on five continents, 500 Years Later is a compelling journey, infused with the spirit and music of liberation, that chronicles the struggle of a people from enslavement who continue to fight for the most essential human right – freedom.
500 Years Later, is an epic multi-award winning documentary directed by Owen’Alik Shahadah.
Selected Reviews
Sweeping… Challenging… Blistering…
500 Years Later retells history from an African point of view.
500 Years Later is more than a film.
A benchmark in filmmaking history!
Partial Cast
(in alphabetical order)
Molefi Kete Asante…. Himself
Maulana Karenga…. Himself
Trevor Marshall…. Himself
Dr. Kimani Nehusi…. Himself
Paul Robeson Jr….. Himself
Dr. Francis Cress Welsing…. Herself
Partial Crew
Directed by Owen’Alik Shahadah
Written by M.K. Asante, Jr.
Produced by
M.K. Asante Jr….. executive producer
Maya Freelon…. associate producer
Zanita Huq…. executive producer
Ako.O. Mitchell…. producer
Owen’Alik Shahadah…. executive producer
Original Music by Tunde Jegede
Cinematography by Owen’Alik Shahadah
Artwork by
Maya Freelon…. painting/digital
Theodore A. Harris…. collage
Alvin Kofi…. painting
Andrew Sinclair…. animation
External Articles/Reviews/Resources
« UEL Education lecturer star in Million More Film » – Kimani Nehusi UEL of London
« Slavery – 500 Years Later » – CEN Magazine
« 500 Years Later and the legacy of enslavement » – Socialist Worker
« Deconstructing 500 Years: An interview » with Owen’Alik Shahadah » – BLINK
« A Poetic Film: M.K. Asante, Jr merges poetry and filmmaking » – Def Poetry Jam
« More Than a Film » – Nommo Newsmagazine
« A Reel Surprise » – DB Magazine
« Community Demands Films » – Ligali Review
Breaking the Chains Award – UNESCO
Best Documentary – Pan African Film Festival
Best Documentary – Bridgetown Film Festival
Best Film – Berlin Black Int’l Film Festival
Best Documentary – Harlem Int’l Film Festival
Until Lions tells their tale, the story of the hunt will always glorify the hunter– African proverb
Crime, poor education, poverty, self-hatred, prison system, broken homes plague people of African descent globally – Why?
Filmed in over twenty countries and on five continents, 500 Years Later is a compelling journey, infused with the spirit and music of liberation, that chronicles the struggle of a people from enslavement who continue to fight for the most essential human right – freedom.
500 Years Later, is an epic multi-award winning documentary directed by Owen’Alik Shahadah.
Selected Reviews
Sweeping… Challenging… Blistering…
500 Years Later retells history from an African point of view.
500 Years Later is more than a film.
A benchmark in filmmaking history!
Partial Cast
(in alphabetical order)
Molefi Kete Asante…. Himself
Maulana Karenga…. Himself
Trevor Marshall…. Himself
Dr. Kimani Nehusi…. Himself
Paul Robeson Jr….. Himself
Dr. Francis Cress Welsing…. Herself
Partial Crew
Directed by Owen’Alik Shahadah
Written by M.K. Asante, Jr.
Produced by
M.K. Asante Jr….. executive producer
Maya Freelon…. associate producer
Zanita Huq…. executive producer
Ako.O. Mitchell…. producer
Owen’Alik Shahadah…. executive producer
Original Music by Tunde Jegede
Cinematography by Owen’Alik Shahadah
Artwork by
Maya Freelon…. painting/digital
Theodore A. Harris…. collage
Alvin Kofi…. painting
Andrew Sinclair…. animation
External Articles/Reviews/Resources
« UEL Education lecturer star in Million More Film » – Kimani Nehusi UEL of London
« Slavery – 500 Years Later » – CEN Magazine
« 500 Years Later and the legacy of enslavement » – Socialist Worker
« Deconstructing 500 Years: An interview » with Owen’Alik Shahadah » – BLINK
« A Poetic Film: M.K. Asante, Jr merges poetry and filmmaking » – Def Poetry Jam
« More Than a Film » – Nommo Newsmagazine
« A Reel Surprise » – DB Magazine
« Community Demands Films » – Ligali Review
Breaking the Chains Award – UNESCO
Best Documentary – Pan African Film Festival
Best Documentary – Bridgetown Film Festival
Best Film – Berlin Black Int’l Film Festival
Best Documentary – Harlem Int’l Film Festival
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