
Poetry in session @The HUB Kampala
With Melissa Kiguwa


Make sure to come and check out Melissa Kiguwa, next Tuesday, August 26 @THE HUB!

"you are from the north,

so I tongue travel

earlobe to neck cradle

retracing your journey from

ancestral village to my bed.

in one night I learn

the contours of your face

your eyes like your hellos

I never know if what you say

is what you mean.

But your cheeks speak

words familiar

so I kiss

over and over, until i


holding onto the back of your head is not enough.

I want to devour you.

Sink feeling into

warm wetness,

falling slowly into

the salvation of your face,

I taste what could be

on your tongue."

-Melissa Kiguwa
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