Fiche Film
Cinéma/TV Média
COURT Métrage | 2020
Afripedia South Africa – SÜDAFRIKA
Titre original : South African Film Production Companies, Corporate Video Productions, Music Video Productions,
Date de sortie en France : 00/00/0000
Pays concerné : Afrique du Sud
Durée : 27 minutes
Genre : drame
Type : documentaire


Bienvenue dans une Afrique nouvelle et créative ! La série documentaire AFRIPEDIA a fait table rase des clichés courants sur l'Afrique et fait le portrait des côtés avant-gardistes du continent en cinq épisodes. Des artistes du Sénégal, de la Cote d'Ivoire, en l'Angola, du Ghana, du Kenya et de l'Afrique du Sud présentent de la photographie, de la mode, du design ou de la musique d'une perspective innovatrice. Du heavy métal en Afrique du Sud, la transsexualité au Angola, de la mode branchée du Sénégal et des projets féministes au Ghana – AFRIPEDIA montre la scène artistique de manière différente. Le film donne un aperçu des rêves et des plans futurs de jeunes gens dans un continent qui change rapidement. Sur l'initiative de l'entreprise de production suédoise Stocktown Films, AFRIPEDIA est un projet commun d'auteurs, de réalisateurs et d'artistes. Teddy Goitom, qui a vécu en Ethiopie, Érythrée et en Suède en fait également partie et il a placé la série sous le slogan "Welcome to creativity ! Welcome to AFRIPEDIA !"Film de Benjamin Taft avec Teddy Goitom, Senay Berhe, selected for the Afrika Film Festival de Cologne


South African Film Production Companies | Corporate Video Productions | Music Video Productions | Video Production Companies Gauteng
Radprodutions is the best South African Film Production Companies since 2005 by Rogerio de Oliveira, "Rogerio Alberto De Oliveira". Top best film production companies in South Africa. We workes both intelligently and diligently to completes the needs of our clients. We produces the high quality commercial and corporate video productions for the purpose filled content at our core. We always believe that more than ever it is mandatory to do everything and we can to fight for a more good future for everybody. In Music Video Productions we believe that now, more than ever, it is critical to do everything we can to fight for a more sustainable future for everybody. Video Production Companies Gauteng, We've discovered that while documentaries are frequently made on outstanding organisations, individuals, and places, those working to assist and empower communities and safeguard our natural heritage do not gain from the material. We want to change the things for reinvesting a porting of our annual revanue into the company or organisations we support that are at the forefront of the battle for advancement. Also Visit

Welcome to the new, creative Africa! The documentary series AFRIPEDIA dispels common clichéd ideas of Africa and depicts the continent`s avant-garde side in five episodes. Artists from Senegal, Ivory Coast, Angola, Ghana, Kenya and South Africa present photography, fashion, design or music from an innovative perspective. Heavy metal in South Africa, transsexuality in Angola, trendy fashion in Senegal and feminist projects in Ghana – AFRIPEDIA shows us Africa`s arts scene in a refreshingly different light. The film offers insights into the dreams and future plans of young people in a rapidly changing continent. Initiated by the Swedish production company Stocktown Films, AFRIPEDIA is a community project made up of writers, filmmakers and artists. These include Teddy Goitom, who has lived and worked in Ethiopia, Eritrea and Sweden among other places, and who produced the series with the motto "Welcome to creativity! Welcome to AFRIPEDIA!"Film de Benjamin Taft avec Teddy Goitom, Senay Berhe, sélectionné pour l'Afrika Film Festival of Cologne
Summary for official catalogs : Radprodutions South African Film Production Companies | Corporate Video Productions | Music Video Productions | Video Production Companies Gauteng
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