Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 2004
Tu marcheras sur l’eau
Pays concerné : Israël
Durée : 104 minutes
Type : fiction


Eyal (Lior Ashkenazi) est un agent du Mossad. Sa mission est de retrouver la trace d’un ancien officier nazi, Alfred Himmelman. Pour mener son enquête, il va servir de guide touristique au petit-fils d’Himmelman, Axel (Knut Berger), venu en Israël rendre visite à sa soeur. Celle-ci vit en effet dans un kibboutz depuis qu’elle s’est brouillée avec sa famille. Axel veut essayer de la convaincre de revenir avec lui en Allemagne pour l’anniversaire de leur père.
Malgré leurs personnalités contrastées, Eyal sympathise avec Axel. Même si parfois le machisme et le conservatisme d’Eyal se heurtent aux vues libérales d’Axel, en particulier quand ce dernier lui révèle qu’il est homosexuel. S’installent alors des relations tendues entre les deux hommes. Alors qu’Axel rentre en Allemagne sans sa sœur.

Un film de Eytan Fox
Durée 1h44
Sortie en France 05/01/2005

Lior Ashkenazi (Eyal)
knut Berger (Axel Himmelman)
Caroline Peters (Pia Himmelman)
Gideon Shemer (Menachem)
Hanns Zischler (Le père d’Axel)
Carola Regnier (La mere d’Axel)
Eyal Rozales (Jello)
Sivan Sasson (Le professeur de tir)

Gal Uchovsky

Ivri Lider

lama films

ID Distribution


Walk on Water
A hit man for Mossad is given the mission to track down the very old Alfred Himmelman, an ex Nazi officer, who might be still alive. Pretending to be a tourist guide he befriends his grandson Axel, in Israel to visit his sister. He wants to convince her to come back to Germany for their Fathers birthday party.

The two men set out on an extended tour of the country during which, Axel’s frank and open attitude challenges Eyal’s rigid, clichéd values. Their friendship grows until he learns of Axel’s homosexuality. With this final straw he leaves.

To finish his mission Eyal has to go to Germany. He meets Axel once more and succeeds in being invited to the family party where secrets will be revealed.

Two years after « Yossi and Jagger », American born, Israeli director Eytan Fox returns with « Walk on Water », a colorful and very contemporary road movie that takes its characters around Israel and later to Berlin. This unique movie, is a non traditional attempt to understand the role that is still played by the past in the lives of Israeli and German young people.

Israel’s top film star Lior Ashkenzai (« Late Marriage ») is the center of an international cast that includes German acclaimed actors Carola Ranier and Hans Tischler, Israeli Gideon Shemer and Palestinian Yousuf (Jo) Swaid, complete the international cast. Israeli Pop star Ivri Lider wrote the vibrant soundtrack that also contains a variety of songs by artists such as Esther Ofarim, Bruce Springsteen, Telepopmusic and Gigliola Cinquetti.

Ratio: 1:1:85
Sound Format: Dolby Digital 5.1
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