Fiche Livre
Littérature / édition
Miria Matembe
Edition : Fountain Publishers
ISBN : 9970023373
Pages: 318
Parution : 01 Janvier 2002


Miria Matembe is MP for Mbarara District in south western Uganda since 1996, and Minister of State for Ethics and Integrity. She tells the story of how she became a village-girl activist, tireless campaigner for women’s rights in Uganda, a feminist lawyer, and active in politics, women’s movements and human rights at every level. She outlines her roles in the Action for Development movement, in constitution making and the National Resistance, in the Land Act in 1998, her fight against corruption, and her relations with the media. Each chapter is followed and balanced by another contributor’s experience of working with Matembe, including her husband. This book is part history of the progress of women in Uganda and Matembe’s role in the struggle, and part polemic, to encourage other women and men to take her work forward in the same vein. The publication of a political autobiography by a woman, this is one of the first of its kind in Uganda.

format : 229 x 152 mm
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