Fiche Livre
Arts plastiques, Littérature / édition
REVUE | Septembre 2015
Art Africa « Becoming African »
Revue : Art Africa
Pays concerné : Afrique
ISBN : 16846133
Pages: 213
Prix : 14.00
Parution : 01 Septembre 2015


septembre 2015 / Issue 01
« It is with great pride and excitment that we introduce the first issue of ART AFRICA an all-new, bigger and more international publication.

Together, we have over twenty years of experience in building new art audiences, occupying a prominent place at the forefront of the contemporary African art scene – most notably through our tenure as the founders and publishers of ART AFRICA magazine (…) » – Editorial excerpt

In this issue :
Sean O’Toole, Becoming african
Ashraf Jamal, Long overdue
Art Fairs, 1:54, FNB Joburg Artfair and ALSO KNOW AS AFRICA
Hans Ulrich Obrist, 89plus & The Brutally Early Club
African Industrial Revolution, Tiwani Contemporary
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