Fiche Livre
| Mai 2002
Convergences and Interferences
Edition : Rodopi
Pays d’édition : Pays-Bas
ISBN : 90-420-1538-1
Pages: 293
Parution : 16 Mai 2002


Newness in Intercultural Practices.
Ecritures d’une nouvelle ère/aire.
Editors Kathleen Gyssels, Isabel Hoving and Maggie Ann Bowers

How does one imagine plurality? How does one find new strategies for writing
diversity and polyphony? How does one read the most challenging creative and
critical works of the present time?

This bi-lingual volume of twelve English and eight French papers proposes to
breach linguistic critical frontiers by placing careful analysis of texts
from different language traditions in a multi-lingual and multi-cultural
dialogue. In this collection of theoretically and politically aware close
readings of contemporary cultural production, the focus of analysis rests on
the multiple and complex global convergences and interferences of cultural
influences. The collection foregrounds the work of innovative writers who
seek to express the ungraspable presence of cultural « newness » at the same
time as situating themselves in the richness of detail of local lives. This
volume, most particularly, finds a balance of critical approach between the
everyday attempts at negotiation and survival, and the insight brought to
the reader by postcolonial, syncretic and feminist theoretical analysis.

EUR 70
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