
Carlton Rara – Nouvel Album – Promotion et clip vidéo
septembre 2017 | Appels à contributions / candidatures | Musique | Haïti


Ecoutez le premier single et soutenez la réalsiation du video clip.
Carlton Rara est né en France en 1975 d’une mère haïtienne et d’un père français. Il a d’abord commencé comme un artiste solo, chantant et jouant des percussions; il a progressivement assimilé toutes ses influences, allant du blues, reggae, vaudou, le soul et la musique du monde pour créer un nouveau style qui lui est propre.
A partir de 2005, il a joué dans de nombreux festivals internationaux (Afrique du Sud, France, Belgique, Haïti, Suisse…).

En 2009, il enregistre son premier album Peyi Bleu qui a été acclamé par la critique et a commencé à lui apporter une reconnaissance plus large.
Playlisté dans les radios à travers le monde, son deuxième album Home a été classé par le grand magazine Les Inrocks, parmi les meilleures albums world / jazz de l’année 2012. Le célèbre cinéaste espagnol Pedro Almodovar a cité l’album comme une des musiques les plus inspirantes qu’il écoutait le montant son film, Los amantes pasajeros.

Parallèlement à sa carrière musicale, Carlton (désormais Carl’O) joue comme acteur dans des pièces de théâtre. Il développe aussi l’art des lectures, donnant à la littérature et à la poésie une voix et une forme. Ainsi, il propose des concerts dédiés aux écrivains haïtiens et caribéens, tels que Franketienne ou Aimé Césaire.

En 2009, il compose la musique live du film muet Why Worry mettant en vedette Harold Lloyd qui fut un grand succès au Festival International du film muet d’Anères (France).

Ce n’est pas son seul lien au monde du cinéma. Il a participé à créér le festival de cinéma les Arts des Suds (Mont de Marsan, FRANCE) lequel, entre 2008 et 2013, a défendu les cinémas africains & diasporas, il a présenté des films de la disapora historique et culturelle avec un Prix décerné au Meilleur Court métrage (Prix les Arts des Suds). Ce festival a été un espace fabuleux de rencontres où cinéphiles et professionnels du cinéma (actrices, techniciens, réalisateurs, critiques) débattaient en profondeur des tumultes et douceurs du monde, par le biais des films.

Un nouveau projet : Standing in the Corridor

Son nouvel album Standing in the Corridor a besoin de vous. La campagne Kiss Kiss Bank Bank pour le clip Keep sayin I’m crazy est maintenant publique.

Vous pouvez entendre le titre depuis la page de la collecte :

« Merci de votre soutien, de votre enthousiasme et de votre aide absolument essentiels à la réalisation du projet n’en doutez pas. Il n’y a pas de petites ou de grandes participations, il n’y a que des participations« , écrit l’artiste franco-haïtien.

Thierno I. Dia
Africiné Magazine / Africultures


Preview the first single and help fund the video clip.
The project

Hi everybody
I am Carlton Rara, musician,composer and actor. Some of you know me well and some others do not. Here are some biographical details below followed by a note presenting my new album due out soon (a Pop album) and the video we will need your support for.

About me
I was born in 1975 in Lourdes (France), to a Haitian mother and a French father. From the very beginning of my route, you can feel the fusion of my origins in my creations and hear it in my music which is inspired by blues, reggae and voodoo Haitian music.

I wanted to be on stage since my earliest age when I was privileged to attend and meet great artists (music, theater, dance, visual arts…) thanks to my father who worked in a performing arts hall.

Then, I was craving to be a performer and I began to give a few concerts in a solo form first and then in a duet with Serge Tamas a guitarist from Guadeloupe before releasing my first record Peyi Blue (2009) which gained some media recognition

Dès lors, l’envie de monter sur scène ne me quittera plus et je commence à donner quelques concerts en solo puis en duo avec le guitariste guadeloupéen Serge Tamas avant de sortir mon premier disque Peyi Blue (2009) qui marque le début d’une présence médiatique.

In 2012 I returned with a second album, HOME, ranking in the TOP 20 of the albums World / Jazz of the year by french magazine Les Inrocks after I got picked again to be played on FIP radio and broadcasted on the Radio France channels

I even had the great honor to be quoted by film director Pedro Almodovar when he publicly posted the playlist of the musics he listened to when editing his film Los Amantes Pasajeros. The HOME effect continued and the track Do You Love Me ended up being in the soundtrack of Joséphine a film by Agnès Obadia starring Marilou Berry.

Do you love Me?

Raw Sides, my third album, released in 2016, mixes unpublished compositions and covers of my repertoire interpreted in a rawest way, it put an end to a first cycle in my artist journey.

I also try to make spoken words an art, speaking up contemporary literature and poetry by various French and Haitian authors among others (Franketienne, Césaire, Glissant, Viarre, Dupin, St John Perse, Char…)

I am also very close to the world of cinema, which brought me to participate in founding the Arts des Suds film festival (Mont de Marsan, FRANCE) which, between 2008 and 2013, presented African cinema and films from the historical and cultural diaspora and awarded the best short film with the Arts des Suds prize.

A new project : Standing in the Corridor

So, My new album opens a new cycle, a cycle of pop music in which I express myself in a new approach close to some part of my musical culture, american pop / funk / hip-hop in the 80s and 90s, groovy and often up to make people dance; That is for the influences and the atmosphere… but the album is about what is up now and belongs to a contemporary experience and expressing my personality and inspiration of the moment.

I have also taken over the production in order to remain as close as possible to what I wish. I collaborate with an artistic team wich has got all the colors and flavors of youth and also people with a broad experience and a solid culture of music and sound.

I take this opportunity to recall why an artist can be led to change and evolve over time. Precisely because he renews and re-invents his art as he passes through the stages of his life and, unconsciously, the audience who witnesses this, expects some change to be brought, some steps to walk in.

So, Stevie Wonder nowadays no longer plays the drums wearing a taxido and Sting no longer takes his air punk to sing to Roxane to remove her street girl makeup. And as far as I am concerned, I hope to surprise you and make you enthusiastic in some new ways and besides, in order to incarnate this renewal, I welcome CARL’O., an alias which in no way cancels my first one.

Carlton also continues his journey and regardless of the form, color or style, I keep on doing things with passion and sincerity and especially in a vision where humanism must remain the guide.

Preview the first single

This new production leads me to project myself into a wider and more international space and I will get back on touring throughout the world soon and I am looking forward to meeting you again for the hottest pleasure.

I need your support

As I am done with producing the album, I now need to collect the funds that are necessary to promote it and this last line is really essential to the success of the project.

We live in a era where sounds do not go without images indeed.

So, we plan to shoot the first video of the album Standing in the Corridor, on one of the track entitled Keep sayin I’m crazy and which we will promote with for the album release scheduled for December 2017 in France and early 2018 for the rest of the world.

I truly count on your support to launch this great adventure and you can count on me to produce the best of myself to set up this project I have been working on for three years.

Take good care of yourself and your beloved ones. See you later.

Thanks for your support.

Carlton Rara alias CARL’O.

Why fund it?

Video Production : Keep sayin I’m crazy : 3000 euros (Shooting October2017)

Communication, advertising, flyers, internet… : 1000 euros (November 2017)

Promotion campaign (teaser, press service …): 1500 euros (December 2017, January2018, February 2018, March 2018)

Total cost : 5500 euros

Personal contribution : 1000 euros

Kiss Bank Bank fees : 400 euros
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