Fiche Film
COURT Métrage | 2011
Tunisie Année Zéro (work in progress)

Pays concerné : Tunisie
Durée : 10 minutes
Genre : politique
Type : documentaire
C’est un film sur la prise de parole des gens après la révolution, il se propose de restituer l’atmosphère d’un temps suspendu entre la passé et le futur: un printemps où se croisent les dénonciations de la corruption et des exactions du précédent régime. Les craintes et les espoirs concernant l’avenir du pays.
un film de Olfa CHAKROUN
Tunisie, 2011, Documentaire, 10 mins (work in progress)
Titre Original (français) : Tunisie Année Zéro
Titre anglais : Tunisia Year Zero
Pays : Tunisie
Année : 2011
Type : Court métrage Documentaire
Durée : 10 mins
Statut : Film en développement (devenu en 2013 : LA GOULETTE ANNÉE ZÉRO, moyen métrage)
Réalisatrice : Olfa CHAKROUN
Scénariste : Olfa CHAKROUN
Il existe un autre film documentaire tunisien qui porte le même titre (TUNISIE, ANNÉE ZÉRO, de la réalisatrice Fériel Ben Mahmoud). _________ Thierno Dia, Africiné Magazine (Dakar)
* Selection – Revolts in the Arab World /// Freiburger Film Forum – Festival of Transcultural Cinema 2011 (Freiburg, Germany) /// –
un film de Olfa CHAKROUN
Tunisie, 2011, Documentaire, 10 mins (work in progress)
Titre Original (français) : Tunisie Année Zéro
Titre anglais : Tunisia Year Zero
Pays : Tunisie
Année : 2011
Type : Court métrage Documentaire
Durée : 10 mins
Statut : Film en développement (devenu en 2013 : LA GOULETTE ANNÉE ZÉRO, moyen métrage)
Réalisatrice : Olfa CHAKROUN
Scénariste : Olfa CHAKROUN
Il existe un autre film documentaire tunisien qui porte le même titre (TUNISIE, ANNÉE ZÉRO, de la réalisatrice Fériel Ben Mahmoud). _________ Thierno Dia, Africiné Magazine (Dakar)
* Selection – Revolts in the Arab World /// Freiburger Film Forum – Festival of Transcultural Cinema 2011 (Freiburg, Germany) /// –
Tunisia Year Zero (work in progress)
« Tunisia Year Zero » is a film about the freedom of speech that people recovered after the revolution. It proposes to show the mood of a time suspended between past and future: a spring in which denunciations of the corruption and abuses of the previous regime go along with fears and hopes about the future of the country. It is particularly concerned with an area of the northern suburbs of Tunis, La Goulette, which has suffered from a major speculation in recent years, both materially and culturally. The film focuses on the specificities of the social fabric (mostly composed by poor people) and on a variety of occupations (fishermen, shopkeepers, restaurateurs) that remain until today threatened to leave their living spaces.
With a style that is both dramatic and humorous, the film presents several testimonies of people that expose the absurdities of the system that has dominated Tunisia for several decades. Thus, it aims at participating in on-going public debate on political and cultural issues in post-revolutionary Tunisia.
a film by Olfa CHAKROUN
Tunisia, 2011, Documentary, 10 mins (work in progress)
Original Title (French): Tunisie Année Zéro
English Title: Tunisia Year Zero
Country: Tunisia
Year: 2011
Type: Short Documentary
Duration: 10 mins
Status: Work in progress (later in 2013: LA GOULETTE ANNÉE ZÉRO)
Director: Olfa CHAKROUN
Screenwriter: Olfa CHAKROUN
There is another Tunisian documentary film sharing quite the same title (TUNISIA, YEAR ZERO, directed by Fériel Ben Mahmoud). _________ Thierno Dia, Africiné Magazine (Dakar)
* Selection – Revolts in the Arab World /// Freiburger Film Forum – Festival of Transcultural Cinema 2011 (Freiburg, Germany) /// –
With a style that is both dramatic and humorous, the film presents several testimonies of people that expose the absurdities of the system that has dominated Tunisia for several decades. Thus, it aims at participating in on-going public debate on political and cultural issues in post-revolutionary Tunisia.
a film by Olfa CHAKROUN
Tunisia, 2011, Documentary, 10 mins (work in progress)
Original Title (French): Tunisie Année Zéro
English Title: Tunisia Year Zero
Country: Tunisia
Year: 2011
Type: Short Documentary
Duration: 10 mins
Status: Work in progress (later in 2013: LA GOULETTE ANNÉE ZÉRO)
Director: Olfa CHAKROUN
Screenwriter: Olfa CHAKROUN
There is another Tunisian documentary film sharing quite the same title (TUNISIA, YEAR ZERO, directed by Fériel Ben Mahmoud). _________ Thierno Dia, Africiné Magazine (Dakar)
* Selection – Revolts in the Arab World /// Freiburger Film Forum – Festival of Transcultural Cinema 2011 (Freiburg, Germany) /// –
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