Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 2012
C’était mieux demain (Ya Man Aach) – يا من عاش

Pays concerné : Tunisie
Support : DigiBeta
Durée : 74 minutes
Genre : portrait
Type : documentaire
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Le film suit, dans le tumulte d’une révolution, une femme, Aida, qui a tout à refaire et qui ne veut plus regarder en arrière. Sa vie patauge d’un quartier défavorisé à l’autre. La révolution est là. Mue d’une volonté de s’en sortir, de trouver un toit dans Tunis, elle fait fi des évènements historiques qui l’entourent. Son seul but est de se reconstruire et elle est convaincue que la révolution est une bénédiction. « C’était mieux demain » s’intéresse à cette femme effrontée et déjantée et à son parcours atypique.Ce documentaire raconte un moment de vie d’une femme dans cet intense intervalle qu’est la révolution d’un pays.
Réalisatrice : Hinde Boujemaa
Tunisie, 2012, LM, Documentaire, 1h14min
Premier long métrage documentaire.
Pays : Tunisie
Année : 2012
Support : Betacam Numérique – Couleur – Documentaire
Durée : 74 min
Budget : 136 191 €
Réalisatrice : Hinde BOUJEMAÂ
Scénario & dialogue : HINDE BOUJEMAA
Producteur : Habib Attia
Société production : Cinetelefilms, Tunisie
Société de Co-Production : Nomadis Images, Tunisie
Co-productrice : Dora Bouchoucha
23, rue d’Andalousie, 2080 – Borj Baccouche, L’Ariana – Tunisie.
Tél: +216 70 731 985 / 70 731 986 / 70 731 987
Fax: +216 70 731 900
E-mail : [email protected]
2012 | 27ème FIFF – Festival International du Film Francophone de Namur, Belgique | 28 sept > 05 octobre 2012
* Compétition Officielle
* Projection/Screening: Mardi 02/10/2012 | 21h15 – Cinéma Eldorado
* Projection/Screening: Jeudi 04/10/2012 | 13h15 – Palais des Congrès (PdC)
2012 | 69ème Mostra de Venise, Italie / 69th Venice International Film Festival | 29th August > 8th September 2012
* Sélection officielle – Hors Compétition / Out of Competition [Special Screenings]
* Projection/Screening: 4 September 09:30 – Sala Grande
* Projection/Screening: 5 September 14:30 – Sala Perla
* Projection/Screening: 6 September 17:30 – Sala Perla 2
2012 | FIDMarseille, France | 03 > 08 juillet 2012
* Sélection – Projets FIDLab 2012
Réalisatrice : Hinde Boujemaa
Tunisie, 2012, LM, Documentaire, 1h14min
Premier long métrage documentaire.
Pays : Tunisie
Année : 2012
Support : Betacam Numérique – Couleur – Documentaire
Durée : 74 min
Budget : 136 191 €
Réalisatrice : Hinde BOUJEMAÂ
Scénario & dialogue : HINDE BOUJEMAA
Producteur : Habib Attia
Société production : Cinetelefilms, Tunisie
Société de Co-Production : Nomadis Images, Tunisie
Co-productrice : Dora Bouchoucha
23, rue d’Andalousie, 2080 – Borj Baccouche, L’Ariana – Tunisie.
Tél: +216 70 731 985 / 70 731 986 / 70 731 987
Fax: +216 70 731 900
E-mail : [email protected]
2012 | 27ème FIFF – Festival International du Film Francophone de Namur, Belgique | 28 sept > 05 octobre 2012
* Compétition Officielle
* Projection/Screening: Mardi 02/10/2012 | 21h15 – Cinéma Eldorado
* Projection/Screening: Jeudi 04/10/2012 | 13h15 – Palais des Congrès (PdC)
2012 | 69ème Mostra de Venise, Italie / 69th Venice International Film Festival | 29th August > 8th September 2012
* Sélection officielle – Hors Compétition / Out of Competition [Special Screenings]
* Projection/Screening: 4 September 09:30 – Sala Grande
* Projection/Screening: 5 September 14:30 – Sala Perla
* Projection/Screening: 6 September 17:30 – Sala Perla 2
2012 | FIDMarseille, France | 03 > 08 juillet 2012
* Sélection – Projets FIDLab 2012
It Was Better Tomorrow
Through the hubbub of a revolution, Ya man aach follows Aida, a Tunisian woman who has to rebuild her entire life and who does not wish to look backwards. She spends her time moving from one poor neighborhood to another.
Driven by the will to find a roof over her head and for her children, she takes no notice of the historical events taking place around her. Her only goal is to find a way out and she is convinced that the revolution is a blessing. Ya man aach shows the atypical journey of this brazen and bold woman in the intense interval of a country’s revolution.
by Hinde Boujemaa – Tunisia, 74′
language: Arabic – s/t English, Italian
(documentary) Aida Kaabi
Director’s Statement
When I met Aida, in January 2011, I was anxious, as so many, to tell the story of my Tunisia with all the questions and uncertainties I was living at each moment. A revolution is a unique moment in a lifetime when the country that you know changes from one day to another.
I approached Aida in the street. She seemed to be disconnected from what was happening. This insolent and combative woman takes advantage of the quasi-social chaos to break down doors, coming face to face with neighbors and sometimes with bad surprises. She sees in the revolution the un-hoped for occasion of changing her life: finding a roof to have back her four children.
I followed her during a year and a half…
First film
Country : Tunisia
Genre : Documentary
Length : 74′
Director : Hinde BOUJEMAA
Production company : Cinetelefilms
Producer : Habib Attia
Co-production company Tunisia : Nomadis Images
Co-producer : Dora Bouchoucha
Budget : 136 191 €
Driven by the will to find a roof over her head and for her children, she takes no notice of the historical events taking place around her. Her only goal is to find a way out and she is convinced that the revolution is a blessing. Ya man aach shows the atypical journey of this brazen and bold woman in the intense interval of a country’s revolution.
by Hinde Boujemaa – Tunisia, 74′
language: Arabic – s/t English, Italian
(documentary) Aida Kaabi
Director’s Statement
When I met Aida, in January 2011, I was anxious, as so many, to tell the story of my Tunisia with all the questions and uncertainties I was living at each moment. A revolution is a unique moment in a lifetime when the country that you know changes from one day to another.
I approached Aida in the street. She seemed to be disconnected from what was happening. This insolent and combative woman takes advantage of the quasi-social chaos to break down doors, coming face to face with neighbors and sometimes with bad surprises. She sees in the revolution the un-hoped for occasion of changing her life: finding a roof to have back her four children.
I followed her during a year and a half…
First film
Country : Tunisia
Genre : Documentary
Length : 74′
Director : Hinde BOUJEMAA
Production company : Cinetelefilms
Producer : Habib Attia
Co-production company Tunisia : Nomadis Images
Co-producer : Dora Bouchoucha
Budget : 136 191 €
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