Fiche Film
COURT Métrage | 1993
Pays concerné : Uruguay
Support : 16 mm
Durée : 16 minutes
Genre : musical
Type : documentaire
Site web :
Il y a plus de deux cents ans, il y eut en Uruguay un afflux d’esclaves déportés d’Afrique qui, après avoir été affranchis, ont continué à constituer la strate la plus pauvre et la plus marginalisée de la société. Fernado Nunez, un homme noir, musicien, et fabricant de percussions, se voit comme un héritier du « Candombe », un important héritage social et culturel de ses ancêtres esclaves.
Réalisateur : Rafael Deugenio
1993, Uruguay, documentaire, 16 mins, Espagnol sous-titré.
Distribué par ArtMattan Productions (
Réalisateur : Rafael Deugenio
1993, Uruguay, documentaire, 16 mins, Espagnol sous-titré.
Distribué par ArtMattan Productions (
More than two hundred years ago, there was an influx into Uruguay of slaves from Africa whom, after being freed, continued to make up the poorest and most marginalized strata in society. Fernado Nunez, a black man, a musician, and a maker of drums, sees himself as the heir to « Candombe », an important social and cultural legacy from his slave forefathers. The official history and culture of Uruguay, on the other hand, which has never acknowledged this contribution to the degree which it deserves, continues to marginalize expressions of black culture. Fernando Nunez and his friends from the Barrio Sur back street quarter of Montevideo have decided to fight to keep these important cultural roots alive in the consciousness of the Uruguayan people.
A film by Rafael Deugenio
Uruguay, 1993, 16 minutes. In Spanish with English subtitles.
To be ordered from ArtMattan Productions (
16mm rental: 5
DVD sale: 5 bonus title in Adios Momo
A film by Rafael Deugenio
Uruguay, 1993, 16 minutes. In Spanish with English subtitles.
To be ordered from ArtMattan Productions (
16mm rental: 5
DVD sale: 5 bonus title in Adios Momo
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