Fiche Film
COURT Métrage | 2012
Not Like The Commercials

Pays concerné : États-Unis
Durée : 10 minutes
Type : fiction
Scott et Kara ont une tendre et forte relationqui est un mélange de « meilleurs amis » et « meilleurs ennemies. »
Un film de Kenneth Dupuis, Wyatt Cagle et Gordon S. Williams
USA- 2012 / 10′- English
With: Karina Pal-Montaño and Damon Nash
Un film de Kenneth Dupuis, Wyatt Cagle et Gordon S. Williams
USA- 2012 / 10′- English
With: Karina Pal-Montaño and Damon Nash
Scott and Kara have an interesting and loving relationship that is a mixture of being « best friends » and « best enemies. » They are forced to examine themselves and their relationship when they face the possibilities of a major life changing event. They quickly realize life is Not Like The Commercials.
A film by Kenneth Dupuis, Wyatt Cagle and Gordon S. Williams
USA- 2012 / 10′- English
With: Karina Pal-Montaño and Damon Nash
A film by Kenneth Dupuis, Wyatt Cagle and Gordon S. Williams
USA- 2012 / 10′- English
With: Karina Pal-Montaño and Damon Nash
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