Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 2012
Haiti Untold

Pays concerné : Haïti
Durée : 78 minutes
Genre : drame
Type : documentaire
Site web :
Chronique de la transformation de Haiti depuis le tremblement de terre, de janvier 2010 à nos jours.
Avec Sean Penn, Donna Karan, George Laraque, et un certain nombres d’individuals dont les efforts ont permis un changement radical du pays.
Un film documentaire de Dan Shannon et Isabelle Depelteau
Haiti / USA, 2012, doc, 78mins & 52 mins
Avec Sean Penn, Donna Karan, George Laraque, et un certain nombres d’individuals dont les efforts ont permis un changement radical du pays.
Un film documentaire de Dan Shannon et Isabelle Depelteau
Haiti / USA, 2012, doc, 78mins & 52 mins
The documentary chronicles the transformation of Haiti from the Earthquake in January 2010 until now.
It features Sean Penn, Donna Karan, George Laraque, and a host of other notable individuals whose ongoing efforts in the country are effecting radical change in the country.
Directed by Dan Shannon and Isabelle Depelteau
Haiti / USA, 2012, doc, 78mins & 52 mins
The film premiered at the Bahamas Film Festival in December 2012, and has its USA premiere at the Palm Beach International Film Festival in April 2013.
About the Director/Producer team
Dan Shannon and Isabelle Depelteau have written and directed more than a dozen documentaries together since 1986. Dan and Isabelle’s collaborations have most often focused on character-driven stories led by strong protagonists.
About ID Vision Films
ID Vision Films. is a Montreal-based documentary production company with a small slate of theatrical and television documentaries destined to international audiences.
It features Sean Penn, Donna Karan, George Laraque, and a host of other notable individuals whose ongoing efforts in the country are effecting radical change in the country.
Directed by Dan Shannon and Isabelle Depelteau
Haiti / USA, 2012, doc, 78mins & 52 mins
Haiti Untold Trailer from dan shannon on Vimeo.
The film premiered at the Bahamas Film Festival in December 2012, and has its USA premiere at the Palm Beach International Film Festival in April 2013.
About the Director/Producer team
Dan Shannon and Isabelle Depelteau have written and directed more than a dozen documentaries together since 1986. Dan and Isabelle’s collaborations have most often focused on character-driven stories led by strong protagonists.
About ID Vision Films
ID Vision Films. is a Montreal-based documentary production company with a small slate of theatrical and television documentaries destined to international audiences.
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