Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 2012
Viramundo – Un voyage musical avec Gilberto Gil
Date de sortie en France : 08/05/2013
Pays concerné : Suisse
Support : HD
Durée : 95 minutes
Genre : musical
Type : documentaire


Après plusieurs décennies de succès internationaux, le maître de la musique brésilienne Gilberto Gil part pour une tournée d’un nouveau genre à travers l’hémisphère sud. De Bahia, il se rend dans les territoires aborigènes d’Australie, puis dans les townships d’Afrique du Sud pour terminer son périple au cœur de l’Amazonie brésilienne. Avec la même passion, Gil poursuit son action débutée en tant que premier Noir devenu ministre de la Culture : promouvoir la diversité culturelle dans un monde globalisé. Au fil des rencontres et des concerts se dévoile sa vision d’un futur pluriel et interconnecté, riche d’espoirs, d’échanges… et bien sûr de musique !

Un film de Pierre-Yves Borgeaud

Suisse | 2012 | Documentaire | 1h35 min | VOSTFR

Gilberto Gil, Steve Dyer, Monique Van Willingh, Paul Hanmer

Scénario: Pierre-Yves Borgeaud
Photographie: Camille Cottagnoud
Montage: Daniel Gibel
Son: Carlo Thoss
Production exécutive: Emmanuel Gétaz (Dreampixies), Frédéric Corvez et Clément Duboin

Film en avant-première du 17 avril au 7 mai 2013 en Vidéo en Poche ! Apportez vos clés USB et repartez avec le film pour la modique somme de 5€, sans DRM et en HD ! Plus d’infos sur


Viramundo – A musical journey with Gilberto Gil
The first international cinematographic film ever dedicated to Gilberto Gil.

After decades of sold out shows and international recognition, musician Gilberto Gil embarks on a new kind of world tour through the southern hemisphere. From Brazil to Australia and South Africa, Gil continues the work he began as Brazil’s first black Minister of Culture – promoting the power of cultural diversity in a globalized world and sharing his vision for our future: a diverse, interconnected planet filled with hope, exchange…and of course music!

In the film, Gilberto Gil sets off from his native city: Salvador de Bahia, the Afro-Brazilian state capital by definition, the town where Black Brazilian activism took root and where there is a proliferation of afoxés which are the carnival bands linked to the Afro-Brazilian religion, Candomblé. We see him alongside the Filhos de Gandhi, an afoxé founded in 1949 and very active in the Black Consciousness Movement. We then follow him to Aboriginal Australia and South Africa, where he encounters situations and contexts far from those of contemporary Brazil. Finally, he returns to the heart of Amazonia, where the native inhabitants have been partially left out of the Brazilian « miracle ». Throughout the film, real situations confront Gilberto Gil’s vision: how to live together and go beyond racial differences? how to preserve and recognize minority cultures? What is the role of new technologies in such context? Gil’s experience and his wisdom gained over the years is put to test during the trip. In Viramundo, Gilberto Gil is asked to be what he is: an artist politically committed to building a better world.

a documentary film
directed by Pierre-Yves Borgeaud,

produced by Dreampixies, Emmanuel Gétaz

Director – Pierre-Yves Borgeaud

Executive producer – Emmanuel Gétaz (Dreampixies)
Executive producers: Frédéric Corvez & Clément Duboin
Production coordinator: Ysaline Rochat
Australian executive producer: Kristina Ceyton
Brazilian executive producer: Daniel Rodrigues
Executive producer Market Theatre concerts (South Africa): Robert Brooks

Camera operator – Camille Cottagnoud
C.O. assitant /C.O. second camera: Leandro Monti
Sound engineer – Carlo Thoss
Sound engineer 2nd unit: Toninho Muricy
Sound engineer assistant: Vincent Piponnier
Sound engineer assistants 2nd unit: Caio Penna Dantas, Bernardo de Souza Adeodato

Editor – Daniel Gibel
Editor assistant -Michael Phelippeau

Coproduction: Urban Factory

TV Coproducers & presales:
RTS, SRG-SSR, Arte, Orange cinéma séries

Financial supports:
Federal Office for Culture (OFC), Ford Foundation, Fonds REGIO Films, Suissimage, Fondation Vaudoise pour le Cinéma, Fondation Sandoz, Fondation Casino Barrière, World View

World sales:
Urban Distribution International

Swiss sales:
Look Now!


Salvador de Bahia (Brazil): Gilberto Gil’s birthplace, on the northeast coast of Brazil (approximately 2,8 millions inhabitants).

Sydney (Australia): the largest and most populate city in Australia, state capital of New South Wales (approximately 4 millions inhabitants).

Yirrkala (Australia, Arnhemland): a well-known Indigenous community in the Northern Territory, 700 km east of Darwin (approximately 800 inhabitants).

Johannesburg (South Africa): the provincial capital of Gauteng, the wealthiest province in South Africa (approximately 4 millions inhabitants).

São Gabriel da Cachoeira (Brazil): a small Brazilian city located on the Northern shores of the Rio Negro River (approximately 15’000 inhabitants). Two hours by boat from there, you can reach Isla de Flores, where a small Indian community lives.
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