Fiche Film
COURT Métrage | 2013
Two Friends
Pays concerné : États-Unis
Durée : 10 minutes
Type : fiction


Sur une journée, la vie de Bobby, résident grégaire de 80 ans dans une maison de retraite et Solomon, un expatrié africain timide qui prend soin de lui. Dans cette relation peu courante, nous voyons qu’il y a plus d’une façon de prendre soin d’un ami..

Un film de Lulu Gargiulo

USA, 2013, Fiction, 10mins

avec Frank Buxton, Marcel Davis, Don Taylor, Kristine Rooke


Two Friends
Two Friends is a day in the life of Bobby, a gregarious 80-year-old nursing home resident and his caregiver Solomon, a shy African immigrant. In this unlikely relationship, we see that there’s more than one way to care for a friend.

Inspired by works of art created by one of the 2012 Artist Trust Fellows, our four Fly Filmmakers (Ben Andrews, Amy Enser, Lulu Gargiulo, and Curtis Taylor) rose to the challenge with original films that were shot in neighborhoods across Seattle.

Director: Lulu Gargiulo
Principal Cast: Frank Buxton, Marcel Davis, Don Taylor, Kristine Rooke
Country: USA
Year: 2013
Running Time: 10 minutes
Producer: Melinda Simon, Heather Murphy
Screenplay: Lulu Gargiulo, Maria Gargiulo
Cinematographers: Theo Angell
Editors: Cindy Sangster
Music: B.C. Campbell, Jovino Santos Neto

* Selection – Fly Filmmaking Challenge 2013
Screening: May 27, 2013 / 4:00 PM / Egyptian Theatre
Screening: June 5, 2013 / 4:30 PM / SIFF Cinema Uptown
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