Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 2013
Made in Madagascar… With almost nothing (Work in Progress)
Titre original : Made in Madagascar… Avec presque rien
Pays concerné : Madagascar
Support : Vidéo Numérique
Durée : 77 minutes
Genre : musical
Type : documentaire
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« « Avec presque rien, on peut faire des choses », me dit Gaby, militaire retraité qui récupère des tas de ferrailles pour en faire des brouettes. Derrière ma caméra, je pose un regard sans condescendance sur mes compatriotes, ceux qui, avec leurs forces et leur âme comme seules ressources, créent des objets, de la musique ou de grands discours. Je demande à des artistes de monter un concert et de devenir mes porte-paroles comme le veut la tradition de l’art oratoire. Sauront-ils mettre en valeur cette résistance inconsciente de nombreux Malgaches confrontés aux effets pervers de l’argent et de la mondialisation ? » (Lova Nantenaina)
Un film de Lova Nantenaina
2013 – France/Madagascar – Couleur – 1h17′,
Réalisateur : Lova Nantenaina
Image : Lova Nantenaina, Lanto Tiana Bemaso Rabearison, Fifaliana Nantenaina, Éva Lova
Son : Fifaliana Nantenaina, Solofo Randrianarivelo, Maminihaina Rakotonirina
Chef monteur : Nantenaina Lova
Assistants monteurs : Alain Rakotoarisoa et Eva Lova
Assistants post-production : Mamy Rakotonirina (Maminihaina Rakotonirina) et Nantenaina Fifaliana
Infographie (affiche du film) : Mamy Rakotonirina (Maminihaina Rakotonirina)
Genre : Société – Musical
Production : Endemika Films, Autantic Films
+33 6 25 47 23 85
2013 | 70ème Mostra de Venise, Italie
* Sélection – Final Cut in Venice
* Projection suivie de questions/réponses dans le cadre d’un workshop : Samedi 31 Août 2013 – 11h30 – Palazzo del Cinema, Sala Pasinetti
Un film de Lova Nantenaina
2013 – France/Madagascar – Couleur – 1h17′,
Réalisateur : Lova Nantenaina
Image : Lova Nantenaina, Lanto Tiana Bemaso Rabearison, Fifaliana Nantenaina, Éva Lova
Son : Fifaliana Nantenaina, Solofo Randrianarivelo, Maminihaina Rakotonirina
Chef monteur : Nantenaina Lova
Assistants monteurs : Alain Rakotoarisoa et Eva Lova
Assistants post-production : Mamy Rakotonirina (Maminihaina Rakotonirina) et Nantenaina Fifaliana
Infographie (affiche du film) : Mamy Rakotonirina (Maminihaina Rakotonirina)
Genre : Société – Musical
Production : Endemika Films, Autantic Films
+33 6 25 47 23 85
2013 | 70ème Mostra de Venise, Italie
* Sélection – Final Cut in Venice
* Projection suivie de questions/réponses dans le cadre d’un workshop : Samedi 31 Août 2013 – 11h30 – Palazzo del Cinema, Sala Pasinetti
Made in Madagascar… With almost nothing
« With almost nothing… we can make things » a retired military man named Gaby told me. He recycles scrap metal in order to make wheelbarrows.
From behind my camera, without being condescending, I look out at my compatriots, at those who, with their strength and soul as their only resources, can create… life, objects, music, or great speeches.
Beyond what economists call « underdevelopment », I perceive everywhere an unconscious resistance to a worldwide system which is barely humanistic.
As becomes the tradition, I request artists to be my spokespeople. Jao, a singer from the south of the island, and Blandine, a farmer and an expert in public speaking will have less than 4 days to create a multicultural show that evokes which are underlying the daily gestures of an entire people.
I’ve woven together the artistic adventure of Jao and his friends through portraits turning them into both ordinary and extraordinary characters.
A’vita gasy’ lesson (one made in Madagascar) of recycling, fraternity, freedom and poetry… (Lova Nantenaina)
A film by Lova Nantenaina
2013 – France/Madagascar – Documentary, Colour – 77′
Director: Lova Nantenaina
Image: Lova Nantenaina, Lanto Tiana Bemaso Rabearison, Fifaliana Nantenaina, Éva Lova
Sound: Fifaliana Nantenaina, Solofo Randrianarivelo, Maminihaina Rakotonirina
Editor: Nantenaina Lova
Assistants Editors: Alain Rakotoarisoa et Eva Lova
Assistants post-production: Maminihaina Rakotonirina et Nantenaina Fifaliana
Infography (Poster): Maminihaina Rakotonirina
Production :
Endemika Films, Autantic Films
+33 6 25 47 23 85
« Con poco o niente si possono fare molte cose ». Una lezione, made in Madagascar, di riciclaggio, fraternità, libertà e poesia….
di Nantenaina Lova
Madagascar, 77′, Documentario
Produzione: Eva Lova – Endemika Films
From behind my camera, without being condescending, I look out at my compatriots, at those who, with their strength and soul as their only resources, can create… life, objects, music, or great speeches.
Beyond what economists call « underdevelopment », I perceive everywhere an unconscious resistance to a worldwide system which is barely humanistic.
As becomes the tradition, I request artists to be my spokespeople. Jao, a singer from the south of the island, and Blandine, a farmer and an expert in public speaking will have less than 4 days to create a multicultural show that evokes which are underlying the daily gestures of an entire people.
I’ve woven together the artistic adventure of Jao and his friends through portraits turning them into both ordinary and extraordinary characters.
A’vita gasy’ lesson (one made in Madagascar) of recycling, fraternity, freedom and poetry… (Lova Nantenaina)
A film by Lova Nantenaina
2013 – France/Madagascar – Documentary, Colour – 77′
Director: Lova Nantenaina
Image: Lova Nantenaina, Lanto Tiana Bemaso Rabearison, Fifaliana Nantenaina, Éva Lova
Sound: Fifaliana Nantenaina, Solofo Randrianarivelo, Maminihaina Rakotonirina
Editor: Nantenaina Lova
Assistants Editors: Alain Rakotoarisoa et Eva Lova
Assistants post-production: Maminihaina Rakotonirina et Nantenaina Fifaliana
Infography (Poster): Maminihaina Rakotonirina
Production :
Endemika Films, Autantic Films
+33 6 25 47 23 85
« Con poco o niente si possono fare molte cose ». Una lezione, made in Madagascar, di riciclaggio, fraternità, libertà e poesia….
di Nantenaina Lova
Madagascar, 77′, Documentario
Produzione: Eva Lova – Endemika Films
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