Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 2005
Angola – Saudades from the one who loves you
Pays concerné : Angola
Support : Bétacam SP
Durée : 65 minutes
Genre : société
Type : documentaire


Pakleppa cherche dans son essai filmique Angola – Saudades from the one loves you des réponses à la question de savoir comment on se sent dans un pays ayant trouvé la pays après 30 ans de guerre civile. Depuis le traité de paix, le pays cherche à se reconstruire après les dévastations, mais les traces en sont toujours visibles. L’Angola apparaît donc rempli de contrastes : entre pauvreté et richesse, entre espoir et désespoir. Un groupe d’enfants de la rue, un prêtre, un professeur, un marchand de poisson et un rappeur parlent des changements déterminant leur vie, penchant entre espoir et volonté de révolte. Les images se mêlent aux chants nostalgiques et passionnés du musicien angolais Paulo Flores.
Prix : Best Film, Three Continents Fim Festival, South Africa, 2006, Horizont Award, Dokfest Film Festival, 2006.
Portuguais avec sous-titres anglais, Vidéo
Réalisation et scénario : Richard Pakleppa, Angola / Afrique du Sud, 2005, montage : Robert Hargreaves, Catherine Meyburgh, musique : Paulo Flores, 65 min, VO sous-titrée.


Angola is struggling to recover from the devastation of 27 years of civil war. This beautifully sound-tracked journey through a land of contrasts presents a kaleidoscopic vision of the diverse experiences of its people, from wealthy oil barons to street children, with mansions and malls juxtaposed against rubble and decay. This award-winning documentary suggests that the future is still out of reach for the majority of Angolans in this rich but anguished land.

He wrote: « Angola is hungry for a new future. After 27 years of war there’s been peace for 3 years now. » In Angola Saudades an unknown voice reads letters which take the viewer on a journey across different realities of the enigma that is Angola. Between streetboys and fashion models we encounter a kaleidoscope of characters and colours that turn around the striking contradictions of poverty and plenty in one of Africa’s largest producers of oil and diamonds.
Made in collaboration with Angolan singer Paulo Flores, the film creates poetic fragments of image and sound.

Portuguese with English subtitles, Video

Namibian director Richard Pakleppa’s film takes us on a beautiful and lyrical journey through this once war-torn nation, presenting us with a kaleidoscopic vision of the diverse experiences of its people, from the political rapper and the street-kids, to models and a heroic female fi shmonger.

Made in collaboration with Angolan singer Paulo Flores, this film is both a careful guide through Angola’s contradictions and a celebration of peace.


2007 | 2nd AiM, Africa in Motion | EDINBURGH, Scottland |
* UK Premiere

2006 | 27th Durban International Film Festival | DURBAN, Afrique du Sud | 14-27 June 2006 | |
> Selection
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