Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 2014
Dream of Shahrazad (The) – حلم شهرزاد
Pays concerné : Afrique du Sud
Durée : 107 minutes
Genre : politique
Type : documentaire


Les récents évènements politiques en Egypte et Turquie à travers du conte des 1001 nuits. A la fois documentaire d’ observation, film musical et essai politique, LE RÊVE DE SHERAZADE utilise la métaphore de Shérazade (la princesse qui sauvait des vies en racontant des histoires) en explorant combien la créativité et la politique s’articule pour répondre à l’oppression.

Un film François Verster

Afrique du Sud / Egypte / Jordanie / France / Pays-Bas | 2014 | Documentaire | 1h47min

Réalisateur / Director: François Verster
Scénariste / Screenwriter: François Verster
Images / Cinematographer: François Verster
Monteurs / Editors: Peter Neal, Menno Boerema
Compositeur / Music Composer: Peter Coyte
Consultant au Montage & Monteur Additionel / Edit Consultant & Additional Editing: Peter Neal
Productrice / Producer: Shameela Seedat (Undercurrent Film & Television, Cape Town, Afrique du Sud)
Producteur / Producer: Neil Brandt (Fireworx Media, Johannesburg, Afrique du Sud)
Producteur / Producer: Wael OMAR (Middlewest Films, Le Caire, Egypte)
Co-Productrice / Co-producer: Fleur Knopperts (Volya Films, Pays-Bas)
Co-Producteur / Co-producer: Lucas Rosant (Melia Films, France)
Productrice associée / Associate Producer: Didem PEKUN (Turquie)

Copie du film / Print: [email protected]

2015 | 17è Festival International du Cinéma documentaire sud-africain (Encounters 2015) | du 4 au 15 Juin 2015, à Cape Town et Johannesburg | Afrique du Sud
* Sélection

2015 | 4ème Luxor African Film Festival, Egypte
* Sélection : Films de Liberté / Freedom Films
* MENA premiere / Première Méditerranée
* won the Al-Husseini Abou-Deif Prize (Artwatch Africa Award)
The Jury comprised Marianne Khoury (Egypt), Saad Elkersh (Egypt), Abdoulaye Diallo (Burkina Faso), Tarek EL Shenawy (Egypt), and jury president Peter Rorvik (South Africa)


In the classic of Arabian literature, 1001 Nights, Princess Shahrazad saves the lives and soul of her people through her skilled storytelling. Now, Verster draws from this rich tapestry to weave his own tale for modern times, crossing the pre- and post-revolution territories of the Arab Spring, in which creativity and storytelling form the life-blood of resistance. A Turkish conductor prepares his orchestra for a performance of Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherazade in the shadow of Gezi Park, his story intermingling with that of a young Lebanese internet activist, an Egyptian artist and a Cairo theatre troupe, forming a constellation of characters and stories in a shimmering, hybrid film unlike any other.

A film by Francois Verster

South Africa / Egypt / Jordan / France / Netherlands | 2014 | 1hr47mins

Country :South Africa
Production Year :2014
Runtime: 107 Minutes

Director: François Verster
Screenwriter: François Verster
Cinematographer: François Verster
Editors: Peter Neal, Menno Boerema
Music Composer: Peter Coyte
Edit Consultant & Additional Editing: Peter Neal
Producer: Shameela Seedat (Undercurrent Film & Television, Cape Town, South Africa)
Producer: Neil Brandt (Fireworx Media, Johannesburg, South Africa)
Producer: Wael OMAR (Middlewest Films, Cairo, Egypt)
Co-producer: Lucas Rosant (Melia Films, Paris, France)
Co-producer: Fleur Knopperts (Volya Films, The Netherlands)
Associate Producer: Didem PEKUN (Turkey)

Print: [email protected]

Festival Appearances
IDFA, Human Rights Watch FF

Screenings at Encounters 2015
* CT: Sun 14 8pm CN V&A Q&A
* Jozi: Fri 6 8.45pm Bio | Fri 12 6.30pm CN Rosebank



مازجاً الموسيقى والسياسة ورواية القصص، يستكشف الفيلم الأحداث الأخيرة في الشرق الأوسط من خلال « ألف ليلة وليلة » وبطلتها شهرزاد التي أنقذت أرواح الناس من خلال الحكايات. يرتبط الفيلم أيضاً بقائد أوركسترا تركي، حكواتية مصرية جميلة، وممثلة لبنانية متوترة يستخدمون الإبداع لدراسة الوضع السياسي

القسم :مسابقة الأفلام الحرة
الدولة :جنوب إفريقيا
سنة الانتاج :2014

مدة العرض: 107 دقيقة

إخراج: فرانسوا فيرستر

سيناريو: فرانسوا فيرستر

تصوير: فرانسوا فيرستر

مونتاج: بيتر نيل، مينو بوريما

موسيقى: بيتر كويتيه

[email protected]:النسخة




« The Dream of Shahrazad » utforskar nya sociala och politiska händelser i Turkiet och Kairo genom den berömda novellsamlingen Tusen och en natt (aka Arabiska nätter), med hjälp av den mytomspunna prinsessan Shahrazad som en metafor för att undersöka hur kreativitet och politisk artikulation kan sammanfalla mot förtryck.

Director: Francois Verster
Script: Francois Verster
Producer: Francois Verster, Neil Brandt, Shameela Seedat, Lucas Rosant, Wael Omar, Fleur Knopperts
DOP: Francois Verster

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