Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 2018
Freedom Fields – ملاعب الحرية
Titre original : Поля свободы [Russia] – Boiska wolności [Poland]
Pays concerné : Libye
Durée : 90 minutes
Genre : société
Type : documentaire
Site web :
Dans la Libye post-révolution, une groupe de femmes sont réunies par un rêve : jouer au football pour leur pays. Mais comme leur nation sombre dans la guerre civile, leurs histoires personnelles faites d’aspiration, d’amour et de lutte se heurtent à l’histoire.
Un film de Naziha AREBI
Libye / GB, 2018, Documentaire, 1h30′, couleur, langue arabe sous-titrée
LANGUES : Arabe / Anglais
SOUS-TITRES : Français / Anglais
Type : documentaire
Tags : football, justice social, réalisatrice, femmes filmées
Pays : Royaume Uni, Libye, Canada, Qatar, Pays-Bas, Liban, Etats-Unis
Titres connus :
Titre original : « Freedom Fields »
Brésil : Campos da Liberdade
Pologne : Boiska wolności
Russie : Поля свободы
Espagne : « Freedom Fields »
GB : « Freedom Fields »
Productrice : Flore Cosquer (SDI Productions Ltd)
Productrice : Naziha Arebi (Huna Productions)
Producteurs délégués :
Giovanni Buccomino
Leslie Finlay
Sonja Henrici
Noé Mendelle
Réalisatrice : Naziha Arebi
Scénariste : Naziha Arebi
Images : Naziha Arebi
Son : Giovanni Buccomino
Musique : Katya Mihailova
Monteurs : Maya Hawke, Ling Lee, Alice Powell
Consultante Montage : Mary Lampson
Monteur Son : Giovanni Buccomino
Mixeur Musique : Dan Weinberg
Mixeur : Matteo Di Simone
Monteur des dialogues : Luigi Melchionda
Assistant monteurs : Ben Cook, Duncan Cowles, Kieran Gosney
Directrice de Production : Muhannad Lamin
Assistante de Production : Rachel Stollery
Second cadreur (Deuxième opérateur caméra) : Sufian Arara
Etalonnage : Colin Brown
Production :
Huna Productions (Libye),
Scottish Documentary Institute (Ecosse)
Fonds IDFA Bertha
AFAC, Chicken & Egg Pictures,
Creative Scotland,
Doha Film Institute,
Hot Docs Blue Ice Fund,
Sundance Film Institute,
Olympic Legacy Truce / British Foreign Office
BUDGET : 275 600 €
Site Officiel :
Twitter: @FreeFieldsFilm
Facebook: @freedomfieldsfilm
Instagram: @freefieldsfilm
– Sortie (GB): 31 Mai 2019
Qatar Film Days (Journées du Cinéma du Qatar) (Russie) (internet)
– Projection : 7 Janvier 2021
Luxembourg City Film Festival (Luxembourg)
– Projection : 15 Mars 2020
BAFTA Awards, Ecosse 2019
– Nominé : BAFTA Scotland Award (Meilleur Long métrage, Naziha Arebi & Flore Cosquer)
Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival 2019 (USA)
– Nominé : Spotlight Documentary Competition (Naziha Arebi)
– Projection : 6 Avril 2019
CPH:DOX (Danemark)
– Projection : 27 Mars 2019
Docs Against Gravity Film Festival (Pologne)
– Projection : 10 Mai 2019
Stockholm Film Festival 2018
– Nominé : Bronze Horse (Meilleur Documentaire, Naziha Arebi)
Toronto International Film Festival (Canada)
– Projection : 08 Septembre 2018
Olivier Barlet sur Tënk :
« »On ne choisit généralement pas le moment, le lieu et le mode de notre révolution » : avec ce constat en début de film, Naziha Arebi place d’emblée la détermination des footballeuses dans sa dimension politique. Elle les suit sur cinq ans : une relation s’établit qui ancre le film dans une féconde intimité. C’est leur résistance au quotidien, ce combat acharné pour transcender le destin du mariage, pour ne pas seulement exister comme mères nourricières dans ce monde d’hommes, mais aussi pour dépasser leurs déceptions, frustrations et colères, que Naziha Arebi documente avec une belle maîtrise dans le contexte d’une Libye encore en proie à la guerre et à l’insécurité. Elles ne tendent pas le poing ni n’assènent de slogan : elles se battent simplement pour que la révolution les concerne aussi, dans une affirmation essentielle que le sport met en exergue, celle de disposer librement de son corps. »
Un film de Naziha AREBI
Libye / GB, 2018, Documentaire, 1h30′, couleur, langue arabe sous-titrée
LANGUES : Arabe / Anglais
SOUS-TITRES : Français / Anglais
Type : documentaire
Tags : football, justice social, réalisatrice, femmes filmées
Pays : Royaume Uni, Libye, Canada, Qatar, Pays-Bas, Liban, Etats-Unis
Titres connus :
Titre original : « Freedom Fields »
Brésil : Campos da Liberdade
Pologne : Boiska wolności
Russie : Поля свободы
Espagne : « Freedom Fields »
GB : « Freedom Fields »
Productrice : Flore Cosquer (SDI Productions Ltd)
Productrice : Naziha Arebi (Huna Productions)
Producteurs délégués :
Giovanni Buccomino
Leslie Finlay
Sonja Henrici
Noé Mendelle
Réalisatrice : Naziha Arebi
Scénariste : Naziha Arebi
Images : Naziha Arebi
Son : Giovanni Buccomino
Musique : Katya Mihailova
Monteurs : Maya Hawke, Ling Lee, Alice Powell
Consultante Montage : Mary Lampson
Monteur Son : Giovanni Buccomino
Mixeur Musique : Dan Weinberg
Mixeur : Matteo Di Simone
Monteur des dialogues : Luigi Melchionda
Assistant monteurs : Ben Cook, Duncan Cowles, Kieran Gosney
Directrice de Production : Muhannad Lamin
Assistante de Production : Rachel Stollery
Second cadreur (Deuxième opérateur caméra) : Sufian Arara
Etalonnage : Colin Brown
Production :
Huna Productions (Libye),
Scottish Documentary Institute (Ecosse)
Fonds IDFA Bertha
AFAC, Chicken & Egg Pictures,
Creative Scotland,
Doha Film Institute,
Hot Docs Blue Ice Fund,
Sundance Film Institute,
Olympic Legacy Truce / British Foreign Office
BUDGET : 275 600 €
Site Officiel :
Twitter: @FreeFieldsFilm
Facebook: @freedomfieldsfilm
Instagram: @freefieldsfilm
– Sortie (GB): 31 Mai 2019
Qatar Film Days (Journées du Cinéma du Qatar) (Russie) (internet)
– Projection : 7 Janvier 2021
Luxembourg City Film Festival (Luxembourg)
– Projection : 15 Mars 2020
BAFTA Awards, Ecosse 2019
– Nominé : BAFTA Scotland Award (Meilleur Long métrage, Naziha Arebi & Flore Cosquer)
Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival 2019 (USA)
– Nominé : Spotlight Documentary Competition (Naziha Arebi)
– Projection : 6 Avril 2019
CPH:DOX (Danemark)
– Projection : 27 Mars 2019
Docs Against Gravity Film Festival (Pologne)
– Projection : 10 Mai 2019
Stockholm Film Festival 2018
– Nominé : Bronze Horse (Meilleur Documentaire, Naziha Arebi)
Toronto International Film Festival (Canada)
– Projection : 08 Septembre 2018
Olivier Barlet sur Tënk :
« »On ne choisit généralement pas le moment, le lieu et le mode de notre révolution » : avec ce constat en début de film, Naziha Arebi place d’emblée la détermination des footballeuses dans sa dimension politique. Elle les suit sur cinq ans : une relation s’établit qui ancre le film dans une féconde intimité. C’est leur résistance au quotidien, ce combat acharné pour transcender le destin du mariage, pour ne pas seulement exister comme mères nourricières dans ce monde d’hommes, mais aussi pour dépasser leurs déceptions, frustrations et colères, que Naziha Arebi documente avec une belle maîtrise dans le contexte d’une Libye encore en proie à la guerre et à l’insécurité. Elles ne tendent pas le poing ni n’assènent de slogan : elles se battent simplement pour que la révolution les concerne aussi, dans une affirmation essentielle que le sport met en exergue, celle de disposer librement de son corps. »
In post-revolution Libya a group of women are brought together by one dream: to play football for their nation. But as the country descends into civil war, their personal stories of aspiration, love and struggle collide with History.
Filmed over five years, FREEDOM FIELDS follows three women and their football team in post-revolution Libya, as the country descends into civil war and the utopian hopes of the Arab Spring begin to fade. Through the eyes of these accidental activists, we see the reality of a country in transition, where the personal stories of love and aspirations collide with History. A love letter to sisterhood and the power of’team’.
FREEDOM FIELDS is the story of three accidental activists and their team. Existing for years before the revolution, without ever playing a single match, we find the women of the team post revolution, hopeful that things will be different. But up against the wrath of society and extremist groups their dreams are thwarted as they are banned from travelling to Germany for what would have been their first ever tournament.
Disillusioned, they go shopping for wedding dresses they will never wear, watch football that they feel they will never play. Secret discussions of love, weaved with talk of war, spark around kitchen tables. Moments of desperation mixed with dark humour, as the country sinks into civil war and starts to feel more and more like a prison they will never be able to leave. But, after many months and against all odds, the women manage to travel to Beirut for an international tournament.
Their hopes reinvigorated, they start making plans for the future. Not
only for their national team, but bigger: how can they change their
society, on and off the pitch?
A film by Naziha AREBI
Libya / UK, 2018, Documentary, 90′, color
LANGUAGES: Arabic, English
Type: documentary
Tags: football, social justice, female director, women in film
Countries: United Kingdom, Libya, Canada, Qatar, Netherlands, Lebanon, United States
Also Known As (AKA)
Original title: Freedom Fields
Brazil: Campos da Liberdade
Poland: Boiska wolności
Russia: Поля свободы
Spain : Freedom Fields
UK : Freedom Fields
Director’s Statement
In 2011, the Arab Spring was capturing the world’s hearts. Wanting to discover what being’Libyan’ meant I travelled to Libya with my father at the fall of Tripoli. It was here that I found my team, a group of women who defied society’s restrictions, full of fire and hope for a new future. Four years later I found myself still living in Tripoli, living our shared reality in a cloud of disillusionment. As chaos ensued and many people were leaving, heading into exile once again due to ongoing fighting, I questioned how far we can go before realising a dream is over, but I also discovered the power we find in such moments to start to create new dreams. That is what is at the core of this film. Making this film, for me, is not about football; it is about individuals fighting against a system to attain their dreams. Football is a vehicle that gives access to their everyday lives in an open and visceral way. A trigger for their wit, fire and humour. A tool that allows them to explore the concept of the individual, to mark out their identity and their collective struggle as women and changemakers. As the only Libyan female filmmaker on the ground in Libya I have been embedded with the team for over five years now. We have developed a relationship which delivers an intense rawness and a closeness, which has not been seen out of Libya before.
Producer: Flore Cosquer (SDI Productions Ltd)
Producer: Naziha Arebi (Huna Productions)
Giovanni Buccomino… executive producer
Leslie Finlay… executive producer
Sonja Henrici… executive producer
Noé Mendelle… executive producer
Director: Naziha Arebi
Screenwriter: Naziha Arebi
Music by Katya Mihailova
Cinematography by Naziha Arebi
Sound designer: Giovanni Buccomino
Film Editing by Maya Hawke, Ling Lee, Alice Powell
Consulting editor: Mary Lampson
Sound editor: Giovanni Buccomino
Score Mixer: Dan Weinberg
Re-recording mixer: Matteo Di Simone
Dialogue editor: Luigi Melchionda
Assistant editors: Ben Cook, Duncan Cowles, Kieran Gosney
Production Manager: Muhannad Lamin
Production assistant: Rachel Stollery
Second camera operator: Sufian Arara
Colorist: Colin Brown
Production Company:
Huna Productions (Libya),
Scottish Documentary Institute (Scotland)
IDFA Bertha Fund
AFAC, Chicken & Egg Pictures, Creative Scotland, Doha Film Institute, Hot Docs Blue Ice Fund, IDFA Bertha Fund, Sundance Film Institute, Olympic Legacy Truce / British Foreign Office
Official site
Twitter: @FreeFieldsFilm
Facebook: @freedomfieldsfilm
Instagram: @freefieldsfilm
– Release (UK): 31 May 2019
Qatar Film Days (Russia) (internet)
– Screening: 7 January 2021
Luxembourg City Film Festival (Luxembourg)
– Screening: 15 March 2020
BAFTA Awards, Scotland 2019
– Nominee: BAFTA Scotland Award (Best Feature Film, Naziha Arebi & Flore Cosquer)
Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival 2019 (USA)
– Nominee: Spotlight Documentary Competition (Naziha Arebi)
– Screening: 6 April 2019
CPH:DOX (Denmark)
– Screening: 27 March 2019
Docs Against Gravity Film Festival (Poland)
– Screening: 10 May 2019
Stockholm Film Festival 2018
– Nominee: Bronze Horse (Best Documentary, Naziha Arebi)
Toronto International Film Festival (Canada)
– Screening: 8 September 2018
في ضوء ظهور فجر جديد لوطن كان لفترة بسيطة يعيش في الخفاء، نتابع سهاد، كشافة كرة القدم للفتيات، في رحلتها عبر البلاد لاكتشاف وتمكين النساء في ليبيا من خلال الرياضة. تغلب المناظر الليبية على الفيلم الذي يروي قصصاً إنسانية مؤثرة لشريحة بشرية في حياة ليبيا ما بعد الثورة. يكشف هذا الفيلم الصراعات والنزاعات الثقافية والاحتمالات التي تنتظر النساء في ليبيا الجديدة الحرة داخل وخارج ملعب كرة القدم
نزيهة عريبي
فيلم وثائقي طويل / ليبيا, المملكة المتحدة, الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية, هولندا, كندا, قطر / 0 دقائق / اللغة الأصلية
العربية / الإهتمامات: نساء, وثائقي, شرق أوسطي, رياضة, دين, قضايا اجتماعية, حرب, شباب, مخرجة, قضايا المرأة, اهتمامات النساء
نزيهة عريبي
نزيهة عريبي
Flore Cosquer
Filmed over five years, FREEDOM FIELDS follows three women and their football team in post-revolution Libya, as the country descends into civil war and the utopian hopes of the Arab Spring begin to fade. Through the eyes of these accidental activists, we see the reality of a country in transition, where the personal stories of love and aspirations collide with History. A love letter to sisterhood and the power of’team’.
FREEDOM FIELDS is the story of three accidental activists and their team. Existing for years before the revolution, without ever playing a single match, we find the women of the team post revolution, hopeful that things will be different. But up against the wrath of society and extremist groups their dreams are thwarted as they are banned from travelling to Germany for what would have been their first ever tournament.
Disillusioned, they go shopping for wedding dresses they will never wear, watch football that they feel they will never play. Secret discussions of love, weaved with talk of war, spark around kitchen tables. Moments of desperation mixed with dark humour, as the country sinks into civil war and starts to feel more and more like a prison they will never be able to leave. But, after many months and against all odds, the women manage to travel to Beirut for an international tournament.
Their hopes reinvigorated, they start making plans for the future. Not
only for their national team, but bigger: how can they change their
society, on and off the pitch?
A film by Naziha AREBI
Libya / UK, 2018, Documentary, 90′, color
LANGUAGES: Arabic, English
Type: documentary
Tags: football, social justice, female director, women in film
Countries: United Kingdom, Libya, Canada, Qatar, Netherlands, Lebanon, United States
Also Known As (AKA)
Original title: Freedom Fields
Brazil: Campos da Liberdade
Poland: Boiska wolności
Russia: Поля свободы
Spain : Freedom Fields
UK : Freedom Fields
Director’s Statement
In 2011, the Arab Spring was capturing the world’s hearts. Wanting to discover what being’Libyan’ meant I travelled to Libya with my father at the fall of Tripoli. It was here that I found my team, a group of women who defied society’s restrictions, full of fire and hope for a new future. Four years later I found myself still living in Tripoli, living our shared reality in a cloud of disillusionment. As chaos ensued and many people were leaving, heading into exile once again due to ongoing fighting, I questioned how far we can go before realising a dream is over, but I also discovered the power we find in such moments to start to create new dreams. That is what is at the core of this film. Making this film, for me, is not about football; it is about individuals fighting against a system to attain their dreams. Football is a vehicle that gives access to their everyday lives in an open and visceral way. A trigger for their wit, fire and humour. A tool that allows them to explore the concept of the individual, to mark out their identity and their collective struggle as women and changemakers. As the only Libyan female filmmaker on the ground in Libya I have been embedded with the team for over five years now. We have developed a relationship which delivers an intense rawness and a closeness, which has not been seen out of Libya before.
Producer: Flore Cosquer (SDI Productions Ltd)
Producer: Naziha Arebi (Huna Productions)
Giovanni Buccomino… executive producer
Leslie Finlay… executive producer
Sonja Henrici… executive producer
Noé Mendelle… executive producer
Director: Naziha Arebi
Screenwriter: Naziha Arebi
Music by Katya Mihailova
Cinematography by Naziha Arebi
Sound designer: Giovanni Buccomino
Film Editing by Maya Hawke, Ling Lee, Alice Powell
Consulting editor: Mary Lampson
Sound editor: Giovanni Buccomino
Score Mixer: Dan Weinberg
Re-recording mixer: Matteo Di Simone
Dialogue editor: Luigi Melchionda
Assistant editors: Ben Cook, Duncan Cowles, Kieran Gosney
Production Manager: Muhannad Lamin
Production assistant: Rachel Stollery
Second camera operator: Sufian Arara
Colorist: Colin Brown
Production Company:
Huna Productions (Libya),
Scottish Documentary Institute (Scotland)
IDFA Bertha Fund
AFAC, Chicken & Egg Pictures, Creative Scotland, Doha Film Institute, Hot Docs Blue Ice Fund, IDFA Bertha Fund, Sundance Film Institute, Olympic Legacy Truce / British Foreign Office
Official site
Twitter: @FreeFieldsFilm
Facebook: @freedomfieldsfilm
Instagram: @freefieldsfilm
– Release (UK): 31 May 2019
Qatar Film Days (Russia) (internet)
– Screening: 7 January 2021
Luxembourg City Film Festival (Luxembourg)
– Screening: 15 March 2020
BAFTA Awards, Scotland 2019
– Nominee: BAFTA Scotland Award (Best Feature Film, Naziha Arebi & Flore Cosquer)
Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival 2019 (USA)
– Nominee: Spotlight Documentary Competition (Naziha Arebi)
– Screening: 6 April 2019
CPH:DOX (Denmark)
– Screening: 27 March 2019
Docs Against Gravity Film Festival (Poland)
– Screening: 10 May 2019
Stockholm Film Festival 2018
– Nominee: Bronze Horse (Best Documentary, Naziha Arebi)
Toronto International Film Festival (Canada)
– Screening: 8 September 2018
في ضوء ظهور فجر جديد لوطن كان لفترة بسيطة يعيش في الخفاء، نتابع سهاد، كشافة كرة القدم للفتيات، في رحلتها عبر البلاد لاكتشاف وتمكين النساء في ليبيا من خلال الرياضة. تغلب المناظر الليبية على الفيلم الذي يروي قصصاً إنسانية مؤثرة لشريحة بشرية في حياة ليبيا ما بعد الثورة. يكشف هذا الفيلم الصراعات والنزاعات الثقافية والاحتمالات التي تنتظر النساء في ليبيا الجديدة الحرة داخل وخارج ملعب كرة القدم
نزيهة عريبي
فيلم وثائقي طويل / ليبيا, المملكة المتحدة, الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية, هولندا, كندا, قطر / 0 دقائق / اللغة الأصلية
العربية / الإهتمامات: نساء, وثائقي, شرق أوسطي, رياضة, دين, قضايا اجتماعية, حرب, شباب, مخرجة, قضايا المرأة, اهتمامات النساء
نزيهة عريبي
نزيهة عريبي
Flore Cosquer
Campos da Liberdade
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