Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 2014
Prix de la mémoire (Le)
Pays concerné : Jamaïque
Durée : 90 minutes
Genre : historique
Type : documentaire


Lorsque la reine d’Angleterre Elizabeth II visite la Jamaïque pour les célébrations du Jubilé d’or en 2002, elle est sollicitée par un petit groupe de Rastafari qui demandent réparations pour l’esclavage. Ce documentaire historique explore l’héritage de l’esclavage en Jamaïque en retraçant le mouvement de demande de réparations pour l’esclavage à partir de 1960.


Price of Memory (The)
When Queen Elizabeth II visits Jamaica for her Golden Jubilee Celebrations in 2002, she is petitioned by a small group of Rastafari for slavery reparations. For Rastafari, reparations is linked to a desire to move back to Africa, the homeland of their African ancestors who were brought to Jamaica as slaves. The film traces this petition, as well as a slavery reparations lawsuit filed against the Queen in Jamaica. We follow Ras Lion a mystic Rasta farmer who petitioned the Queen, and Michael Lorne; the attorney who brought the lawsuit. In the background are the stories of earlier Rastas who pursued reparations in the 1960s, revealing an ongoing demand that spans decades. Filmed over a decade, on location in Jamaica and the UK, the film follows the filmmaker on a journey into the past, during which the question of reparations reaches Parliament in both Jamaica and the UK. The film is an exploration of the enduring legacies of slavery and the case for slavery reparations in modern Jamaica.

Nominated for Best Documentary for Trinidad & Tobago Film Festival 2014, Official Selection Pan African Film Festival 2014, Official Selection Africa in Motion Film Festival 2014,
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