Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 1972
FVVA: Femmes Voitures Villas Argent

Pays concerné : Niger
Support : DigiBeta
Durée : 68 minutes
Genre : comédie dramatique
Type : fiction
F.V.V.A. (Femmes, Voitures, Villas, Argent) symbolisent, au Niger, la réussite sociale. Ali, fonctionnaire modeste, est victime de ce mirage. Pressé par des besoins financiers de plus en plus importants et trompé par un marabout, il finira par voler et se retrouvera en prison.
Niger / 1972 / fiction / 1h02 (Beta num), 1h08 (35mm).
Djingarey Maïga, Bintou Sawadogo, Sotigui Kouyaté, Zalika Souley, Souleymane Ouédraogo, Boubacar Souna, Jean-Pierre Ouédraogo, Abdou Oumarou,…
Réalisateur : Moustapha Alassane
Langue: Français
un exemplaire rarissime du « western-manioc »
Festival Etoiles Francophones 2012 (Île de France)
Prix / Festivals / Awards
Fespaco 1972 (OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso)
Prix de l’OCAM
Distributeur: MARFILMES
Niger / 1972 / fiction / 1h02 (Beta num), 1h08 (35mm).
Djingarey Maïga, Bintou Sawadogo, Sotigui Kouyaté, Zalika Souley, Souleymane Ouédraogo, Boubacar Souna, Jean-Pierre Ouédraogo, Abdou Oumarou,…
Réalisateur : Moustapha Alassane
Langue: Français
un exemplaire rarissime du « western-manioc »
Festival Etoiles Francophones 2012 (Île de France)
Prix / Festivals / Awards
Fespaco 1972 (OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso)
Prix de l’OCAM
Distributeur: MARFILMES
Women Cars Villas Money
The frantic search for consumer goods by the low middle classes of the African cities.
Ali is a modest civil servant who enjoys a pleasant life in town. One day, upon being forced by his parents to marry a woman he doesn’t want, Ali is dragged into a vortex composed by « Women (Femmes), Cars (Voitures), Villas, Money (Argent) » all of which, in Niger, stand for social success. Longing for an increasingly luxurious way of life, in order to support habits he himself created, Ali is forced to steal and he is arrested. When everyone else abandons him, his first wife reveals her loyalty and awaits his release.
Language: French
Zingare Abdoulaye, Sawadogo Bintou, Sotigui Kouyaté, Djingareye Maiga, Zalika Souley
Director: Moustapha Alassane
OCAM award – FESPACO 1972
Distributeur: MARFILMES
Ali is a modest civil servant who enjoys a pleasant life in town. One day, upon being forced by his parents to marry a woman he doesn’t want, Ali is dragged into a vortex composed by « Women (Femmes), Cars (Voitures), Villas, Money (Argent) » all of which, in Niger, stand for social success. Longing for an increasingly luxurious way of life, in order to support habits he himself created, Ali is forced to steal and he is arrested. When everyone else abandons him, his first wife reveals her loyalty and awaits his release.
Language: French
Zingare Abdoulaye, Sawadogo Bintou, Sotigui Kouyaté, Djingareye Maiga, Zalika Souley
Director: Moustapha Alassane
OCAM award – FESPACO 1972
Distributeur: MARFILMES
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