Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 2006
Atos dos Homens

Pays concerné : Brésil
Support : 35 mm
Durée : 75 minutes
Genre : drame
Type : documentaire
L’année dernière, à Baixada Fulminense, vingt neuf personnes ont été assassinées par un escadron de la mort, et cela a représenté le plus grand massacre de l’histoire de Río de Janeiro. Les assassins n’étaient autre que des groupes de policiers locaux en lien avec les plus gros délinquants. ATOS DOS HOMENS observe surtout les gens qui ne sont pas en contact direct, ou peu informés, sur ce qui s’est passé, et la manière dont cet accès de violence affecte leur vie de tous les jours.
Pays/Country : Brazil, Germany, 2006.
Réalisateur-Scénariste / Director/Scriptwriter : Kiko Goifman
Production / Production
Paleo TV, São Paulo
Plateau Produções, São Paulo.
Co-Production / Co-Production
Mil Colores Media, München
Cachoeira Films, Tübingen.
Image/Cinematographer: Diego Gozze
Son/Sound: Fábio Braga
Sound Design: Guga Bernardo, Marcos Boaventura
Montage/editing: Diego Gozze, Patrício Salgado
Recherche/Research: Marcelo Caetano
Producteurs/Producers: Beto Tibiriçá, Jurandir Muller
Co-Producteurs/Co-Producers: Gudula Meinzolt, Paulo de Carvalho
Direction de Production: Claudia Priscilla, Lorena Delia
Format: 35mm, 1:1.85
Durée: 75 Minuten, 24 Bilder/Sekunde.
Version originale : Portugais brésilien
2006 | Berlinale – Film International du Film de Berlin| BERLIN, Allemagne) | February 16th 2006
* World Cinema Fund
* Sélection
* Première mondiale
Pays/Country : Brazil, Germany, 2006.
Réalisateur-Scénariste / Director/Scriptwriter : Kiko Goifman
Production / Production
Paleo TV, São Paulo
Plateau Produções, São Paulo.
Co-Production / Co-Production
Mil Colores Media, München
Cachoeira Films, Tübingen.
Image/Cinematographer: Diego Gozze
Son/Sound: Fábio Braga
Sound Design: Guga Bernardo, Marcos Boaventura
Montage/editing: Diego Gozze, Patrício Salgado
Recherche/Research: Marcelo Caetano
Producteurs/Producers: Beto Tibiriçá, Jurandir Muller
Co-Producteurs/Co-Producers: Gudula Meinzolt, Paulo de Carvalho
Direction de Production: Claudia Priscilla, Lorena Delia
Format: 35mm, 1:1.85
Durée: 75 Minuten, 24 Bilder/Sekunde.
Version originale : Portugais brésilien
2006 | Berlinale – Film International du Film de Berlin| BERLIN, Allemagne) | February 16th 2006
* World Cinema Fund
* Sélection
* Première mondiale
Acts of Men
ACTS OF MEN should have been a film about the daily lives of massacre survivors in Brazil. Everything was planned for us to start shooting in April 2005. But reality did not wait. On the last day of March, exactly one month before shooting was scheduled to begin, things changed: A terrible massacre took place in Baixada Fluminense, near the city of Rio de Janeiro. Twenty-nine people were killed by a death squad, the largest massacre in the history of Rio de Janeiro. The killers are extermination groups made up of policemen who work in the area, and who are involved in extortions, kidnapping, drug dealing and homicide. This has been going on since the 1950s, but it has never been as extreme as it is today.
The film is organized in four parts: Daily Life in Baixada Fluminense shows footage of residents of the town that suggests it was shot before the massacre; in reality, it was shot afterwards. The Massacre describes the carnage and the feelings it provoked. Death Squads deals with the killing commandos in the area and includes an interview with a professional assassin. Daily Life 2 shows the people in Baixada Fluminense and their attempts to process what they have experienced.
Pays/Country: Brazil, Germany.
feature length documentary, 35mm. 2006.
Réalisateur-Scénariste / Director/Scriptwriter: Kiko Goifman
Image/Cinematographer: Diego Gozze
Son/Sound: Fábio Braga
Sound Design: Guga Bernardo, Marcos Boaventura
Montage/editing: Diego Gozze, Patrício Salgado
Recherche/Research: Marcelo Caetano
Producteurs/Producers: Beto Tibiriçá, Jurandir Muller
Co-Producteurs/Co-Producers: Gudula Meinzolt, Paulo de Carvalho
Direction de Production: Claudia Priscilla, Lorena Delia.
Format: 35mm, 1:1.85
Length: Durée: 75 Minuten, 24 Bilder/Sekunde.
Language: Portuguese (Brazil)
Production / Production
Paleo TV, São Paulo
Plateau Produções, São Paulo.
Co-Production / Co-Production:
Mil Colores Media, München
Cachoeira Films, Tübingen.
Funded in the WCF Jury meeting in June 2005
Funding amount: 25.000 €
Supported by
Prince Claus Fund (Holland) and World Cinema Fund (Germany) –
Rights sold to Germany
Berlinale 2006 – Berlin International Film Festival | BERLIN, Germany | February 16th 2006
* International Forum
* World Cinema Fund
* World Premiere
2006 | Festival of the 3 Continents, Nantes
* Golden Montgolfier Ex-Aequo for the Best Documentary,
2006 | Festival do Cinema Latino Americano | São Paulo/Rio de Janeiro
* Selection
2006 | « It’s all true » Documentary Film Festival, Guadalajara
* Selection
2006 | Festival Internacional de Cine Buenos Aires BAFICI
* Selection
2006 | International Film Festival of Independent Films, Montevideo
* Selection
2006 | XXIV Festival Cinematográfico Internacional del Uruguay
* Selection
A work in progress version was exhibited in Locarno Festival/2005.
The film is organized in four parts: Daily Life in Baixada Fluminense shows footage of residents of the town that suggests it was shot before the massacre; in reality, it was shot afterwards. The Massacre describes the carnage and the feelings it provoked. Death Squads deals with the killing commandos in the area and includes an interview with a professional assassin. Daily Life 2 shows the people in Baixada Fluminense and their attempts to process what they have experienced.
Pays/Country: Brazil, Germany.
feature length documentary, 35mm. 2006.
Réalisateur-Scénariste / Director/Scriptwriter: Kiko Goifman
Image/Cinematographer: Diego Gozze
Son/Sound: Fábio Braga
Sound Design: Guga Bernardo, Marcos Boaventura
Montage/editing: Diego Gozze, Patrício Salgado
Recherche/Research: Marcelo Caetano
Producteurs/Producers: Beto Tibiriçá, Jurandir Muller
Co-Producteurs/Co-Producers: Gudula Meinzolt, Paulo de Carvalho
Direction de Production: Claudia Priscilla, Lorena Delia.
Format: 35mm, 1:1.85
Length: Durée: 75 Minuten, 24 Bilder/Sekunde.
Language: Portuguese (Brazil)
Production / Production
Paleo TV, São Paulo
Plateau Produções, São Paulo.
Co-Production / Co-Production:
Mil Colores Media, München
Cachoeira Films, Tübingen.
Funded in the WCF Jury meeting in June 2005
Funding amount: 25.000 €
Supported by
Prince Claus Fund (Holland) and World Cinema Fund (Germany) –
Rights sold to Germany
Berlinale 2006 – Berlin International Film Festival | BERLIN, Germany | February 16th 2006
* International Forum
* World Cinema Fund
* World Premiere
2006 | Festival of the 3 Continents, Nantes
* Golden Montgolfier Ex-Aequo for the Best Documentary,
2006 | Festival do Cinema Latino Americano | São Paulo/Rio de Janeiro
* Selection
2006 | « It’s all true » Documentary Film Festival, Guadalajara
* Selection
2006 | Festival Internacional de Cine Buenos Aires BAFICI
* Selection
2006 | International Film Festival of Independent Films, Montevideo
* Selection
2006 | XXIV Festival Cinematográfico Internacional del Uruguay
* Selection
A work in progress version was exhibited in Locarno Festival/2005.
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