Fiche Film

Pays concerné : Israël
Type : fiction
Synopsis :Mai 1948. Quelques jours avant la création de l’Etat d’Israël, un vieux cargo rouillé rempli de survivants de l’Holocauste venus des quatre coins de l’Europe, accoste en Palestine sous les feux croisés des Britanniques qui essayent de les repousser, et de l’armée secrète juive qui est venue les accueillir en terre sainte. Ce film est l’histoire des premières heures passées par ces femmes et ces hommes en Palestine.
Andrei KASHKAR Yanoush
Helena YARALOVA Rosa
Yussef ABU WARDA Youssouf
Moni MOSHONOV Klibanov
Juliano MERR Moussa
Menachem LANG Menachem
Sandy BAR Yardena
Tomer RUSO Milek
Veronica NICOLE Hanka
Liron LEVO Gideon
Andrei KASHKAR Yanoush
Helena YARALOVA Rosa
Yussef ABU WARDA Youssouf
Moni MOSHONOV Klibanov
Juliano MERR Moussa
Menachem LANG Menachem
Sandy BAR Yardena
Tomer RUSO Milek
Veronica NICOLE Hanka
Liron LEVO Gideon
Synopsis :
May 1948. 8 days before the creation of the state of Israël, a small rusted ship with a group of survivors from the Shoah citizens from all over Europe is welcomed by the shooting of British troops trying to forbid them from disembarking and by the shooting of the Jewish secret army who has come to help them with their first steps on the holly land. This film is the story of the first hours these men and women will spend in Palestine.
Andrei KASHKAR Yanoush
Helena YARALOVA Rosa
Yussef ABU WARDA Youssouf
Moni MOSHONOV Klibanov
Juliano MERR Moussa
Menachem LANG Menachem
Sandy BAR Yardena
Tomer RUSO Milek
Veronica NICOLE Hanka
Liron LEVO Gideon
May 1948. 8 days before the creation of the state of Israël, a small rusted ship with a group of survivors from the Shoah citizens from all over Europe is welcomed by the shooting of British troops trying to forbid them from disembarking and by the shooting of the Jewish secret army who has come to help them with their first steps on the holly land. This film is the story of the first hours these men and women will spend in Palestine.
Andrei KASHKAR Yanoush
Helena YARALOVA Rosa
Yussef ABU WARDA Youssouf
Moni MOSHONOV Klibanov
Juliano MERR Moussa
Menachem LANG Menachem
Sandy BAR Yardena
Tomer RUSO Milek
Veronica NICOLE Hanka
Liron LEVO Gideon
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