Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 1971
Karim [real: Momar Thiam]

Date de sortie en France : 00/00/0000
Pays concerné : Sénégal
Support : 16 mm
Durée : 65 minutes
Genre : drame
Type : fiction
Les aventures amoureuses de Karim, un jeune musulman sénégalais déchiré entre les devoirs de la société traditionelle et les tentations de l'Occident.
Réalisateur : Momar Thiam
Avec : CASSET, Sidy / DIAGNE, Fatim / N'DIAYE, Assane / TRAORE, Fanta
Producteur : Momar Thiam
Format du film : 16 mm / NB
Langue : Wolof
Production : Les films Momar Thiam (Dakar)
Adapté du roman Karim, Roman sénégalais d'Ousmane Socé Diop (1934).
Réalisateur : Momar Thiam
Avec : CASSET, Sidy / DIAGNE, Fatim / N'DIAYE, Assane / TRAORE, Fanta
Producteur : Momar Thiam
Format du film : 16 mm / NB
Langue : Wolof
Production : Les films Momar Thiam (Dakar)
Adapté du roman Karim, Roman sénégalais d'Ousmane Socé Diop (1934).
About the amorous adventures of Karim, a young Senegalese Muslim torn between the duties of traditional society and the temptations of the West. The amorous adventures of Karim, a young Senegalese Muslim torn between the duties of traditional society and the temptations of the West. In his town, Saint Louis, Karim begins officially courting Marème. The family puts forth economic requests to assess his generosity and his wealth. When the marriage is almost agreed upon, his fiancée is taken away from him by an affluent cousin who wins the favours of the family. Embittered, Karim moves to Dakar. He now encounters the divorced Aminata who, with the help of her lover, tries to trick Karim. After escaping this danger, Karim meets a Catholic girl from the isle of Gorée, but their religious differences prevail over love. In the meantime, the cousin, who has turned out to be a bad lot, leaves Marème. Karim goes back to Saint Louis and picks up where he left off. Senegal, 1970, feature, Drama Director: Momar Thiam Producer: Momar Thiam Length: 69' Film format: 16mm 2010 | IFFR, ROTTERDAM, Holland * Selection: Signals- Where Is Africa
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