Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 2007
Zanzibar Soccer Queens

Pays concerné : Cameroun
Durée : 83 minutes
Type : documentaire
Le film présente un portrait provocant et qui arrive au bon moment des WOMEN FIGHTERS (« Femmes combattantes »), une équipe de femmes obstinées et déterminés à améliorer leur vie et à défendre leur identité en jouant au football. C’est l’histoire de femmes qui veulent définir comment elles veulent être vues ; jouer au football permet de catalyser ce changement personnel.
de Florence Ayisi
de Florence Ayisi
Zanzibar Soccer Queens
Women’s passion for football transcends traditional boundaries in this timely and provocative portrait of Woman Fighters, a team of predominantly Muslim women in Zanzibar. Their individual stories of aspirations, shattered dreams, friendship and self-determination reveal a community of strongwilled African women determined to redefine their identities and personal goals through playing soccer. Their involvement with soccer goes beyond the pitch, and provides a gateway to new experiences – they travel, party on the beach, and play soccer with men. For some of the players, having their name on the shirt is a great achievement. We observe their regular training sessions, soccer matches and a self-help initiative to sustain the team. This is a rare and fresh insight into the lives of women who cross the prescribed boundaries of how a woman should behave and dress. Their passion for soccer reflects a desire to be themselves and a passion for life!
UK/Tanzania, 2007, 83mins & 52mins, doc, English, Florence Ayisi, dir.
2007 | NYADFF | NEW YORK, Usa |
UK/Tanzania, 2007, 83mins & 52mins, doc, English, Florence Ayisi, dir.
2007 | NYADFF | NEW YORK, Usa |
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