Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 2002
Black Israel
Pays concerné : Israël
Support : DVcam
Durée : 85 minutes
Genre : société
Type : documentaire
Tourné aux Etats Unis, en Israël et en France, ce documentaire nous fait découvrir l’incroyable diversité des relations entre le monde noir et le monde juif au travers de quelques itinéraires personnels. L’essentiel de ce film c’est la dimension trans-culturelle, c’est la dimension interculturelle du dialogue et de la connaissance entre les cultures, entre noirs africains et noirs américains avec le monde juif.
Un film de Maurice Dorès
2002 – France – 1h25 minutes -DV Cam
Auteur-Réalisateur : Maurice Dorès
Production / Diffusion : Les Films Esdés
Un film de Maurice Dorès
2002 – France – 1h25 minutes -DV Cam
Auteur-Réalisateur : Maurice Dorès
Production / Diffusion : Les Films Esdés
This film intends to show several encounters with Africans and Black Americans who live in the Jewish community. They are Jews by birth or conversion. Others came to Israel in order to work or study.
In Dimona, in the Negev desert, 2 to 3 thousands Black Americans live under the law of their leader and Messiah Carter Ben Ami. They call themselves the Hebrew Israelites and practice Judaic customs.
In USA, thousands of Black Jews form distinct groups. Others joined traditionnal Jewish communities. These men and women affirm their identity without forgetting their African origins and culture. Each one, in their one way, expresses a Black Jewishness, which finds it own place within the diversity of Judaism.
A film by Maurice Dorès
In Dimona, in the Negev desert, 2 to 3 thousands Black Americans live under the law of their leader and Messiah Carter Ben Ami. They call themselves the Hebrew Israelites and practice Judaic customs.
In USA, thousands of Black Jews form distinct groups. Others joined traditionnal Jewish communities. These men and women affirm their identity without forgetting their African origins and culture. Each one, in their one way, expresses a Black Jewishness, which finds it own place within the diversity of Judaism.
A film by Maurice Dorès
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