Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 2009
Motherland (Enat Hager)
Pays concerné : Royaume-Uni
Support : DVD
Durée : 118 minutes
Genre : société
Type : documentaire


L’histoire d’un continent et de ses habitants.

Documentaire de Owen Alik Shahadah | Royaume-Uni | 1h58min

Meles Zenawi Asres (መለስ ዜናዊ አስረስ) | Premier ministre d’Ethiopie
Harry Belafonte | Militant
Nicole C Lee | TransAfrica Forum
H.E. Mr. Claver Gatete | Ambassadeur rawandais
H.E. Jacob Zuma | Président d’Afrique du Sud
Esther Stanford | Avocat
Dr. Kwadwo Osei-Nyame | Maître de Conférences
Dr. Maulana Karenga | Philosophe
Dr. Molefi Asante | Historien
Dr. Ali Mazrui | Universitaire
Dr. Hakim Quick | Universitaire
Dr. Mohammad Ibn Chambas | Economiste
Didymus Mutasa | Gouvernement de Zimbabwe
Amiri Baraka | Poète
Dr. Lisa Brock | Ecrivain
Dr. Haki Madhubuti | Ecrivain

Owen Alik Shahadah | Réalisateur
Sona Jobarteh | Compositeur
Betelihem Zelealem |Monteur
Angela Harvey | Productrice Exécutive
M.K. Asante, Jr. | Producteur
Cosby Bikpe | Producteur Exécutif


« Motherland » is a bold, epic documentary that fuses history, culture and politics to tell a new dynamic story of a continent. A fascinating narrative unfolds with interviews from Meles Zenawi, Jacob Zuma,
Ali Mazuri, Harry Belafonte and Molefi Asante.

« Motherland (Enat Hager) » is the most powerful documentary on Africa. Fusing history, culture, politics, and contemporary issues, Motherland sweeps across Africa to tell a new story of a dynamic continent. From the glory and majesty of Africa’s past through its complex and present history. Motherland looks unflinchingly toward a positive Pan-African future. With breathtaking cinematography and a fluid soundtrack sculpted by Sona Jobarteh, « Motherland » is a beautiful illustration of global African diversity and unity.

From the acclaimed producers of the multi-award winning « 500 Years Later », « Motherland » is Directed by Owen ‘Alik Shahadah(እናት ሀገር)

Owen Alik Shahadah | UK | 118min

running time 120 min (extended version 140 min), color, 2.35.1 (16:9)

Meles Zenawi Asres (መለስ ዜናዊ አስረስ) | Prime minister Ethiopia
Harry Belafonte | Activist
Nicole C Lee | TransAfrica Forum
H.E. Mr. Claver Gatete | Rwanadan Ambasador
H.E. Jacob Zuma | President South Africa
Esther Stanford | Lawyer
Dr. Kwadwo Osei-Nyame | Lecturer
Dr. Maulana Karenga | Philospher
Dr. Molefi Asante | Historian
Dr. Ali Mazrui | Scholar
Dr. Hakim Quick | Scholar
Dr. Mohammad Ibn Chambas | Economist
Didymus Mutasa | Zimbabwe Goverment
Amiri Baraka | Poet
Dr. Lisa Brock | Author
Dr. Haki Madhubuti | Author

Owen Alik Shahadah | Director
Sona Jobarteh | Composer
Betelihem Zelealem | Editor
Angela Harvey | Executive Producer
M.K. Asante, Jr. | Producer
Cosby Bikpe | Executive Producer

2010 | 13rd ZIFF – Zanzibar International Film Festival | ZANZIBAR, Tanzania | 10>18july 2010 |
* African Premiere
* Golden Dhow – Best Documentary
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