Fiche Film
© Festival d’Angers 2011
COURT Métrage | 2010
Lobolo (The Dowry)

© Festival d’Angers 2011
Pays concerné : Mozambique
Durée : 26 minutes
Genre : drame
Type : fiction
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Costa et Sofia se marient. Les mois passent, ils n’arrivent pas à avoir d’enfant. Pour Costa, c’est Sofia la responsable. Il la chasse et exige qu’on lui rende sa dot ! Mais ses sentiments le rattrapent. Regard sans concession pour dénoncer le comportement de certains hommes face à la stérilité. Costantino est un jeune menuisier qui vient de se marier. Quelques temps après sa femme Sophia ne tombe toujours pas enceinte. Costantino pense que c’est sa femme qui a un problème et décide de lui faire faire un test à la maternité pour prouver sa stérilité. Dans la foulée, il va jusqu’à demander le remboursement de sa dot auprès du père de Sophia prétextant que sa fille est inutile chez lui. Il va très vite se rendre compte que Sophia n’avait rien puisqu’après leur rupture, c’est lui qui ira plus tard prendre le résultat du test. Constatino veut revenir sur ses pas. Sophia acceptera-t-elle ?
Réal: Michele Mathison
(Mozambique) 2010, VOSTF, 26 min.
Costa – Candido Quembo
Sofia – Maria Atália
Father – Mario Mabjaia
Doctor – Abdil Juma
WitchDoctor – Jorge Vaz
Boss – João Matos
Bar Owner- Antonio Aquirasse
Julia – Silvia Mendes
Scénario/Script : Emidio Josine
Images/Pictures : Pipas Forjaz
Son/Sound : Micas Cumba
Montage/Editing : Pipas Forjaz, Michelle Mathison
Musique/Music : Moreira Chonguiça
Producteur Délégué / Executive Producer: Denise Namburete
Produit par / Produced by: Antonio Forjaz & Mickey Fonseca
2011 – 13ème Festival d’Angers, France | 12 > 17 /04/2011 |
* Sélection
Réal: Michele Mathison
(Mozambique) 2010, VOSTF, 26 min.
Costa – Candido Quembo
Sofia – Maria Atália
Father – Mario Mabjaia
Doctor – Abdil Juma
WitchDoctor – Jorge Vaz
Boss – João Matos
Bar Owner- Antonio Aquirasse
Julia – Silvia Mendes
Scénario/Script : Emidio Josine
Images/Pictures : Pipas Forjaz
Son/Sound : Micas Cumba
Montage/Editing : Pipas Forjaz, Michelle Mathison
Musique/Music : Moreira Chonguiça
Producteur Délégué / Executive Producer: Denise Namburete
Produit par / Produced by: Antonio Forjaz & Mickey Fonseca
2011 – 13ème Festival d’Angers, France | 12 > 17 /04/2011 |
* Sélection
Costa gets married to Sofia with expectations of starting a family. Time goes by and Sofia cannot conceive leaving Costa completely frustrated to the point of chasing her away from home and demanding back from her family the dowry money he payed. With Sofia gone, Costa realizes how much he loves Sofia and tries to win her back.
Costantino is a young carpenter who has just got married, some moments after his wife Sophia is not yet pregnant. Constatino thinks that it’s his wife who has problems decides to do tests to the maternity in order to prove her sterility. Immediately, he goes to ask for the reimbursement of his dowry to Sophia’s father telling him that his daughter is useless in his home. But he will realize that Sophia had nothing since the test results prove his sterility. Constatino wants to come back to his decision. Will Sophia accept?
A film by Michele Mathison
(Mozambique) 2010, VOSTF, 26 min.
Costa – Candido Quembo
Sofia – Maria Atália
Father – Mario Mabjaia
Doctor – Abdil Juma
WitchDoctor – Jorge Vaz
Boss – João Matos
Bar Owner- Antonio Aquirasse
Julia – Silvia Mendes
Directed by Michele Mathison
Scénario/Script : Emidio Josine
Images/Pictures : Pipas Forjaz (Antonio Forjaz)
Son/Sound : Micas Cumba
Montage/Editing : Pipas Forjaz, Michelle Mathison
Musique/Music : Moreira Chonguiça
Sound Mix: by OnKeySound (Johannesburg
Executive Producer: Denise Namburete
Produced by: Antonio Forjaz & Mickey Fonseca
Costantino is a young carpenter who has just got married, some moments after his wife Sophia is not yet pregnant. Constatino thinks that it’s his wife who has problems decides to do tests to the maternity in order to prove her sterility. Immediately, he goes to ask for the reimbursement of his dowry to Sophia’s father telling him that his daughter is useless in his home. But he will realize that Sophia had nothing since the test results prove his sterility. Constatino wants to come back to his decision. Will Sophia accept?
A film by Michele Mathison
(Mozambique) 2010, VOSTF, 26 min.
Costa – Candido Quembo
Sofia – Maria Atália
Father – Mario Mabjaia
Doctor – Abdil Juma
WitchDoctor – Jorge Vaz
Boss – João Matos
Bar Owner- Antonio Aquirasse
Julia – Silvia Mendes
Directed by Michele Mathison
Scénario/Script : Emidio Josine
Images/Pictures : Pipas Forjaz (Antonio Forjaz)
Son/Sound : Micas Cumba
Montage/Editing : Pipas Forjaz, Michelle Mathison
Musique/Music : Moreira Chonguiça
Sound Mix: by OnKeySound (Johannesburg
Executive Producer: Denise Namburete
Produced by: Antonio Forjaz & Mickey Fonseca
A curta-metragem « O LOBOLO »: Foi galardoada com o prémio para a curta-metragem com a melhor mensagem sobre saúde e segurança no Festival Internacional de Cinema do Burkina Faso (FESCAPO);
« O LOBOLO » aborda a questão de mulher como propriedade do homem, comum no nosso pais. Costa, carpinteiro, casa com Sofia tendo grandes expectativas de criar uma família. O tempo passa e Sofia não engravida. Achando que fez um « mau negócio », Costa exige ao sogro que receba a sua filha de volta e lhe devolva os dotes entregues no lobolo. O que Costa não esperava era que, com ou sem filhos, não pudesse viver sem Sofia, o seu amor.
« O LOBOLO » aborda a questão de mulher como propriedade do homem, comum no nosso pais. Costa, carpinteiro, casa com Sofia tendo grandes expectativas de criar uma família. O tempo passa e Sofia não engravida. Achando que fez um « mau negócio », Costa exige ao sogro que receba a sua filha de volta e lhe devolva os dotes entregues no lobolo. O que Costa não esperava era que, com ou sem filhos, não pudesse viver sem Sofia, o seu amor.
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