Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 2009
Nelson Mandela au nom de la liberté

Pays concerné : France
Durée : 90 minutes
Genre : portrait
Type : documentaire
Nelson Mandela est une légende. Une icône vivante. Un nom. La sagesse personnifiée. Ils ne sont pas nombreux sur Terre, ceux dont on peut dire, sans risque de se tromper, qu’ils ont marqué l’Histoire. Aujourd’hui, à 90 ans, Mandela n’a plus de responsabilités officielles. L’heure est donc venue de se pencher sur une vie, la sienne, qui s’est transformée en destin.
2009, France, 1h30 (ou 52 mins, version courte)
Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu, Nadine Gordimer
Réalisateur : Joël Calmettes
voix : Féodor Atkine,
musique originale de Louis Sclavis
PRODUCTION: 13 productions
CoProd : France 2, France 5, RTBF, TSR
DISTRIBUTION: Lagardère Entertainment Rights
2009, France, 1h30 (ou 52 mins, version courte)
Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu, Nadine Gordimer
Réalisateur : Joël Calmettes
voix : Féodor Atkine,
musique originale de Louis Sclavis
PRODUCTION: 13 productions
CoProd : France 2, France 5, RTBF, TSR
DISTRIBUTION: Lagardère Entertainment Rights
« I am not a messiah, but an ordinary man who became a leader because of extraordinary circumstances. » Nelson Mandela is a global icon and legendary leader of the apartheid struggle. Who is the man behind the legend? How did a man born into poverty become one of the most influential leaders on the planet ?
While South Africa still mourns the death of Mandela, In the Name of Freedom follows the history of the first black President of South Africa, his upbringing in the remote Transkei region and his path to the Presidential Palace in Pretoria. A narrative addressed to Mandela, the film encourages the viewer to take part in the reflective journey and walk in the footsteps of this hero. The film follows the path of the father of modern South Africa and Nobel Peace Prize winner through the use of archival footage, photographs and interviews. The result is a documentary that gives insight into the exceptional political and personal life of the man behind the legend.
Dir. Joel Calmettes
France // 2009 // Couleur // 90′ (and 52mins, short version)
O.V. French subtitles.
PRODUCTION: 13 productions
DISTRIBUTION: Lagardère Entertainment Rights
While South Africa still mourns the death of Mandela, In the Name of Freedom follows the history of the first black President of South Africa, his upbringing in the remote Transkei region and his path to the Presidential Palace in Pretoria. A narrative addressed to Mandela, the film encourages the viewer to take part in the reflective journey and walk in the footsteps of this hero. The film follows the path of the father of modern South Africa and Nobel Peace Prize winner through the use of archival footage, photographs and interviews. The result is a documentary that gives insight into the exceptional political and personal life of the man behind the legend.
Dir. Joel Calmettes
France // 2009 // Couleur // 90′ (and 52mins, short version)
O.V. French subtitles.
PRODUCTION: 13 productions
DISTRIBUTION: Lagardère Entertainment Rights
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