Fiche Film
MOYEN Métrage | 1999

Date de sortie en France : 20/05/2006
Pays concerné : Tunisie
Durée : 52 minutes
Genre : société
Type : documentaire
Stambali est un rituel religieux qui se déroule en Tunisie, un voyage au rythme des « gombri » et « chkackek », conduisant à une hypnose individuelle et collective. C’est un hommage annuel que les disciples de Sidi Saad rendent à leur maître durant un voyage d’initiation et un rite de purification qui dure trois jours.
Stambali, Nawfel SAHEB-ETTABA, Tunisie, 52 min, 1999, Documentaire
Stambali, Nawfel SAHEB-ETTABA, Tunisie, 52 min, 1999, Documentaire
To be ordered from ArtMattan Productions ( Language: Arabic/French with English subtitles
Stambali is an annual tribute that the disciples of Sidi Saad pay to their master during an initiatory journey and rite of purification that lasts three days. This Tunisian religious ritual, brought into the country by sub-Saharan Africans, is a healing ceremony led by musicians who are also healers as they enter into a trance to the mesmerizing rhythm of the « gombri » and « chkachek, » and incarnate a deity that takes possession of their body. In Stambali, the camera follows the rhythm of the possessions and dances of the healing ceremony as it develops into an individual and collective hypnosis and takes the audience into the trance of the eroticism that is released by this physical and spiritual representation.
DVD available
To be ordered from ArtMattan Productions (
Language: Arabic/French with English subtitles
Stambali is an annual tribute that the disciples of Sidi Saad pay to their master during an initiatory journey and rite of purification that lasts three days. This Tunisian religious ritual, brought into the country by sub-Saharan Africans, is a healing ceremony led by musicians who are also healers as they enter into a trance to the mesmerizing rhythm of the « gombri » and « chkachek, » and incarnate a deity that takes possession of their body. In Stambali, the camera follows the rhythm of the possessions and dances of the healing ceremony as it develops into an individual and collective hypnosis and takes the audience into the trance of the eroticism that is released by this physical and spiritual representation.
DVD available
To be ordered from ArtMattan Productions (
Language: Arabic/French with English subtitles
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