Fiche Film
LONG Métrage |
We Want Development [In Development]
Pays concerné : Kenya
Durée : 90 minutes
Genre : société
Type : documentaire


We Want Development explore la manière dont la terre et l’espace où nous sommes influent sur ce que nous sommes. Lamu est une île musulmane isolée sur la côte kényane où nous rencontrons Bibi et plusieurs personnages dont un hôtelier et un pêcheur.

Réalisatrice : Phillipa Ndisi-Hermann

Pays : Kenya

Prod: Atieno Odenyo

Production : Mawe Moja Productions

2013 | 34ème DIFF – Festival de Durban, Afrique du Sud
* Projet – 4ème Durban FilmMart


We Want Development, (but at what cost?)
We Want Development explores the extent to which the land and space we inhabit influences who we are. Lamu is a remote Islamic island on the coast of Kenya and it is here that the audience meets Bibi and several other characters that include a hotel owner and a fisherman.

A film by Philippa Ndisi-Herrmann

Kenya, feature documentary

A Documentary Project I am directing and producing. It is in its development stages. We are looking for funding in order to continue with the project.
Philippa Ndisi-Herrmann

Country: Kenya

Director / Producer: Philippa Ndisi-Herrmann

Production Manager: Danni Karanja
Producer: Atieno Odenyo

Company: Mawe Moja Productions

© Thirsty Fish 2012
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