Fiche Film
© Film-Clinic
LONG Métrage | 2012
Asham : a man called hope
© Film-Clinic
Pays concerné : Égypte
Durée : 87 minutes
Genre : politique
Type : fiction
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Six destins entrecroisés au coeur de la ville du Caire, vibrante, agitée et perméable aux événements de janvier 2011. Aspirations et déceptions rythment ce premier film choral.
Six couples à différents stades de leur relation amoureuse vivent au rythme de l’agitation du Caire juste avant la Révolution du 25 janvier 2011. Récits plein d’aspiration, de déception et de joie qu’Asham, un marchand ambulant dont l’optimisme d’un avenir meilleur reflète les espoirs de l’Egypte, tente de concilier.
Réalisatrice : Maggie M. Morgan
Egypte / fiction / 2012 / 87′ / Vo arabe ST FR / DV CAM / Dès 14 ans | Long Metrage | Vo Arabe St Anglais
avec Ali Kassem, Amina Khalil, Mohamed Khan, Mahmoud El-Louzy
Aly Kassem, Amina Khalil, Hany Seif, Hani Eskander
2013 | Un état du Monde et du Cinéma
* Projection : LUN 11 NOVEMBRE 2013 À 14:30
2013 | 8ème FIFOG – Festival International du Film Oriental de Genève 2013 | Genève, Versoix, Lausanne et France-Voisine, Suisse | Du 12 au 21 Avril 2013
* Compétition
* Projection : GRÜTLI SALLE SIMON : JEU 18.04 – 18H15 / INÉDIT / en présence de la réalisatrice
2013 | 4ème DTFF – Doha Tribeca Film Festival, Qatar
* Projection / Screening: Sun, Nov 18, 06:15 PM, Katara 12 Theatre B (K12-B)
* Projection / Screening: Mon, Nov 19, 04:15 PM, Katara 12 Theatre A (K12-A)
* Première Mondiale / World Premiere
Six couples à différents stades de leur relation amoureuse vivent au rythme de l’agitation du Caire juste avant la Révolution du 25 janvier 2011. Récits plein d’aspiration, de déception et de joie qu’Asham, un marchand ambulant dont l’optimisme d’un avenir meilleur reflète les espoirs de l’Egypte, tente de concilier.
Réalisatrice : Maggie M. Morgan
Egypte / fiction / 2012 / 87′ / Vo arabe ST FR / DV CAM / Dès 14 ans | Long Metrage | Vo Arabe St Anglais
avec Ali Kassem, Amina Khalil, Mohamed Khan, Mahmoud El-Louzy
Aly Kassem, Amina Khalil, Hany Seif, Hani Eskander
2013 | Un état du Monde et du Cinéma
* Projection : LUN 11 NOVEMBRE 2013 À 14:30
2013 | 8ème FIFOG – Festival International du Film Oriental de Genève 2013 | Genève, Versoix, Lausanne et France-Voisine, Suisse | Du 12 au 21 Avril 2013
* Compétition
* Projection : GRÜTLI SALLE SIMON : JEU 18.04 – 18H15 / INÉDIT / en présence de la réalisatrice
2013 | 4ème DTFF – Doha Tribeca Film Festival, Qatar
* Projection / Screening: Sun, Nov 18, 06:15 PM, Katara 12 Theatre B (K12-B)
* Projection / Screening: Mon, Nov 19, 04:15 PM, Katara 12 Theatre A (K12-A)
* Première Mondiale / World Premiere
« Asham » is a film in the style of « Coffee and Cigarettes » and « Nine Lives ». Six intertwined stories about aspiration, disappointment, and hope are tied together loosely through the character of Asham who encounters the characters at critical points in their lives. The stories take place against the backdrop of a restless Cairo before the January 25 revolution. The city is troubled: traffic is gridlocked, a man threatens to throw himself off a building to protest government injustice, street peddlers are harassed by the police. The tension is palpable.
Dalia wants to launch an art gallery; she refuses to travel with her fiancé when he lands a job in Malaysia. Boisterous Ahlam Rida comes to Cairo from the countryside and gets a job in the ladies’ room at a mall; she has no ambitions beyond this menial task; romance strikes with a mall security officer. Ibtesam, an assistant nurse, wants a promotion and seeks the support of a doctor at the hospital where she works. Weaving together these and other stories of romantic involvement is Asham – ‘hope’ in Arabic – an ambitious young man who works in the streets selling children’s toys and handing out flyers. These characters, from varied social classes and backgrounds, have different dreams and ambitions depending on the state of their lives before and after the revolution. Director Maggie Morgan captures the pulse of everyday Cairo, reflecting the hopes of many Egyptians through her carefully sculpted characters.
Directed by Maggie M. Morgan
Feature Narrative – 2012 – Egypt / 2012 / 87 min / Colour / HDCAM
In Arabic / English subtitles
Starring: Ali Kassem, Amina Khalil, Mohamed Khan, Mahmoud El-Louzy
Interests: Drama, Social Issues, Women Interest
Rated 13: Parental guidance is advised for viewers under the age of 13.
Maggie M. Morgan
Maggie M. Morgan
Mohamed Hefzy, Film Clinic
Ahmad Abdallah
Hany Adel
Raouf Abdelaziz
Aly Kassem, Amina khalil, Hany Seif, Hani Eskander, Mahmoud Al Lozy, Marwa Tharwat, Mohamed Khan, Mona Al Shimi, Mina El Naggar, Naglaa Younis, Noha Al Kholy, Salma Salem, Seif El Aswany, Shady Habashy
MC Distribution rights
non commercial rights only
عشم في دور العرض 19 يونيو
سيناريو وإخراج: ماجي مرجان
إنتاج: فيلم كلينك لمحمد حفظي
نبذة عن الفيلم:
سته قصص متشابكة تدور حول الطموح والإحباط والأمل تحدث على خلفية القاهرة المضطربة التي هي نفسها على حافة التغيير. بعض الشخصيات تقابل بائع متجول في مراحل هامة بحياتهم والبعض يقابل بعضهم البعض
Dalia wants to launch an art gallery; she refuses to travel with her fiancé when he lands a job in Malaysia. Boisterous Ahlam Rida comes to Cairo from the countryside and gets a job in the ladies’ room at a mall; she has no ambitions beyond this menial task; romance strikes with a mall security officer. Ibtesam, an assistant nurse, wants a promotion and seeks the support of a doctor at the hospital where she works. Weaving together these and other stories of romantic involvement is Asham – ‘hope’ in Arabic – an ambitious young man who works in the streets selling children’s toys and handing out flyers. These characters, from varied social classes and backgrounds, have different dreams and ambitions depending on the state of their lives before and after the revolution. Director Maggie Morgan captures the pulse of everyday Cairo, reflecting the hopes of many Egyptians through her carefully sculpted characters.
Directed by Maggie M. Morgan
Feature Narrative – 2012 – Egypt / 2012 / 87 min / Colour / HDCAM
In Arabic / English subtitles
Starring: Ali Kassem, Amina Khalil, Mohamed Khan, Mahmoud El-Louzy
Interests: Drama, Social Issues, Women Interest
Rated 13: Parental guidance is advised for viewers under the age of 13.
Maggie M. Morgan
Maggie M. Morgan
Mohamed Hefzy, Film Clinic
Ahmad Abdallah
Hany Adel
Raouf Abdelaziz
Aly Kassem, Amina khalil, Hany Seif, Hani Eskander, Mahmoud Al Lozy, Marwa Tharwat, Mohamed Khan, Mona Al Shimi, Mina El Naggar, Naglaa Younis, Noha Al Kholy, Salma Salem, Seif El Aswany, Shady Habashy
MC Distribution rights
non commercial rights only
عشم في دور العرض 19 يونيو
سيناريو وإخراج: ماجي مرجان
إنتاج: فيلم كلينك لمحمد حفظي
نبذة عن الفيلم:
سته قصص متشابكة تدور حول الطموح والإحباط والأمل تحدث على خلفية القاهرة المضطربة التي هي نفسها على حافة التغيير. بعض الشخصيات تقابل بائع متجول في مراحل هامة بحياتهم والبعض يقابل بعضهم البعض
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